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WWU Course Reviews

Western Washington University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ENRG 380Energy and Environment00000
ENRG 466Life Cycle Analysis00000
ENRG 473Energy Project Implementation00000
ENRG 480Applications in Energy Production00000
ENRG 484Economics of Alternative Energy00000
ENRG 495Internship00000
ENRG 559Advanced Energy Policy00000
ENRG 582Adv Greenhouse Gas Mitigation00000
ENRG 101Energy and Society00000
ENRG 320Science of Energy Resources00000
ENRG 345Energy in the Global South00000
ENRG 372Electrical Power and Electromechanical Devices00000
ENRG 459Advanced Energy Policy00000
ENRG 386The Economics of Electricity Markets00000
ENRG 392Energy Symposium00000
ENRG 397EEnergy from the Earth00000
ENRG 449Northwest Energy Systems Transitions00000
ENRG 464Sustainable Building Analysis and Design00000
ENRG 471Energy Project Proposal00000
ENRG 475Renewable Electric Power Systems00000
ENRG 482Greenhouse Gas Mitigation00000
ENRG 490Energy Capstone: Energy System Synthesis00000
ENRG 497CRenewable Electric Power Systems00000
ENRG 586Electric Utility Resource Planning00000
ENRG 486Electric Utility Resource Planning00000
ENRG 330Energy from the Earth00000
ENRG 350Energy Policy and Politics00000
ENRG 374Energy Processing00000
ENRG 381Biofuels00000
ENRG 388Campus Energy System Analysis00000
ENRG 397JEnergy Data Analysis00000
ENRG 397HCampus Energy System Analysis00000
ENRG 400Directed Independent Study00000
ENRG 421Energy Science Laboratory00000
ENRG 461Mechanical and Environmental Systems in Buildings00000
ENRG 472Energy Project Research and Development00000
ENRG 284The Business of Energy00000
ENRG 497BBuilding Energy Efficiency Analysis00000
ENRG 300Directed Independent Study00000
ENRG 340Energy and Climate in Rural Development00000
ENRG 360Energy Efficient and Carbon Neutral Design00000
ENRG 378Smart and Renewable Power00000
ENRG 384Energy Economics00000
ENRG 391Energy Speaker Series00000
ENRG 397GInstitute for Energy Studies Speaker Series00000
ENRG 397DEnergy Symposium00000
ENRG 420Advanced Energy Science00000