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WWU Course Reviews

Western Washington University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ENVS 437Ecol & Hope Salish Sea00000
ENVS 405Puget Sound research00000
ENVS 411Agroecology Planning and Practicum00000
ENVS 414Editing the Planet00000
ENVS 418GIS II: Cartography and Geovisualization00000
ENVS 420GIS III: Analysis and Modeling00000
ENVS 422Advanced Spatial Analysis00000
ENVS 426Water Resources00000
ENVS 428Biogeography00000
ENVS 430Borderlands: Resource Management00000
ENVS 397KEcological Design I00000
ENVS 442Regional Environmental and Economic Resource Modeling00000
ENVS 444Colonial Landscapes in the Pacific Northwest00000
ENVS 450Science in the Policy Process00000
ENVS 454Environmental Policy Analysis00000
ENVS 456Environmental Governance00000
ENVS 458Environmental Politics00000
ENVS 461Land Use Law00000
ENVS 463Native American Planning and Natural Resources Policy00000
ENVS 465Disaster Risk Reduction00000
ENVS 305Introduction to Environmental Studies II: History and Policy00000
ENVS 303Introduction to Environmental Studies I: Human Ecology and E...00000
ENVS 320GIS I: Introduction to Geographic Information Science00000
ENVS 326Climatology00000
ENVS 342Geography of the World Economy00000
ENVS 355Environmental Law and Policy00000
ENVS 361Introduction to Planning00000
ENVS 111Ecogastronomy Discussion00000
ENVS 201Understanding Environmental Data and Information00000
ENVS 204Human Geography00000
ENVS 467Power, Privilege, and the Environment00000
ENVS 321GIS II: Computer Cartography00000
ENVS 331Canada: Society and Environment00000
ENVS 343Urbanization: Processes and Patterns00000
ENVS 359Business and Sustainability Principles and Practice00000
ENVS 368Exploring Grt Cities: Honolulu00000
ENVS 372Natural Hazards Planning00000
ENVS 374Land Use Regulation & Technical Writing00000
ENVS 397PSpatial Knowledge and Learning From the Land00000
ENVS 582Curriculum in Environmental Education00000
ENVS 521GIS IV: Advanced GIS Applications00000
ENVS 526Understanding Soil Data00000
ENVS 529Pyrogeography00000
ENVS 545American Environmental History00000
ENVS 550Environmental Politics and Policy00000
ENVS 559Advanced Energy Policy00000
ENVS 563Native American Planning and Natural Resources Management00000
ENVS 567Power, Privilege, and the Environment00000
ENVS 575Community Development Processes00000
ENVS 518Gis II00000
ENVS 585Environmental Education Foundations00000
ENVS 588Assessment, Evaluation and Research in Environment Education00000
ENVS 595Teaching Practicum00000
ENVS 597CProfessional Development for Graduate Teaching Assistants00000
ENVS 597MIntroduction to Geographic Information Science00000
ENVS 597BJustice and Equity in Environmental Education00000
ENVS 599Grad Sem: Readings Env Justice00000
ENVS 691Field Project00000
ENVS 497OPower, Privilege, and the Environment00000
ENVS 471Campus Sustainability Planning Studio00000
ENVS 473Planning Studio III: Plan Implementation00000
ENVS 475Community Development and Participatory Methods00000
ENVS 483Environmental Interpretation00000
ENVS 485Natural History for Environmental Education00000
ENVS 488Outdoor Education00000
ENVS 491Environmental Communication00000
ENVS 493Environmental Impact Assessment00000
ENVS 497XIntroduction to Methods in Environmental Studies00000
ENVS 221Geographic Information Science Survey00000
ENVS 498ASenior Thesis00000
ENVS 498CSenior Project00000
ENVS 499RSeminar00000
ENVS 499DSem: Readings in Env Justice00000
ENVS 499BSpring Block Planning Seminar00000
ENVS 499UL.E.A.D. Seminar00000
ENVS 501Research and Projects in Environmental Studies00000
ENVS 503Communicating Research Results00000
ENVS 451Natural Resource Policy00000
ENVS 419Applications in GIS00000
ENVS 421GIS IV: Advanced GIS Applications00000
ENVS 423GIS Processing and Analysis00000
ENVS 427Soil Landscapes00000
ENVS 429Pyrogeography00000
ENVS 431Pacific Rim: Environment, Economy, and Sustainability00000
ENVS 441Society, Space, and Natural Resources00000
ENVS 443Social Justice and the City00000
ENVS 449Northwest Energy Systems Transitions00000
ENVS 417Science, Management and Outreach of Contaminated Sites00000
ENVS 455Environmental Law00000
ENVS 457Environmental Dispute Resolution00000
ENVS 459Advanced Energy Policy00000
ENVS 462Planning Theory00000
ENVS 464Topics in Planning: Bike/Pede00000
ENVS 466Greening Business Applications00000
ENVS 470Planning Studio I: Urban Design Methods00000
ENVS 472Planning Studio II: Plan Development00000
ENVS 474Planning for Sustainable Communities00000
ENVS 362U.S. Disaster Policy00000
ENVS 195Local Perspectives on Environment and Sustainability (Viking...00000
ENVS 203Physical Geography00000
ENVS 297PCities, Nature and Society00000
ENVS 319Research and Writing00000
ENVS 322Analysis of Spatial Data00000
ENVS 327The Soil Environment00000
ENVS 333East Asia: Society and Environment00000
ENVS 350Energy Policy and Politics00000
ENVS 360Plan Graphics and Site Design00000
ENVS 476Disaster Reduction and Emergency Planning Studio00000
ENVS 370History of Planning00000
ENVS 373Transportation Systems and Planning00000
ENVS 381Introduction to Education for Environment and Sustainability00000
ENVS 397CMountain Geography00000
ENVS 400Sustainability Practicum00000
ENVS 410Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture00000
ENVS 412Environmental Journalism00000
ENVS 413The Planet Staff00000
ENVS 589Professional Writing and Presentation00000
ENVS 530Borderlands: Resource Management00000
ENVS 549Energy Systems Transitions00000
ENVS 551Natural Resource Policy00000
ENVS 562Advanced Planning Theory00000
ENVS 565Disaster Risk Reduction00000
ENVS 574Sustainable Design Studio00000
ENVS 581Practicum in Teaching Natural and Cultural History00000
ENVS 583Natural History and Science of the North Cascades00000
ENVS 587Conservation Psychology00000
ENVS 528Advanced Topics in Biogeography00000
ENVS 593Environmental Impact Assessment Practicum00000
ENVS 597SApplications in Urban Design00000
ENVS 597APower, Privilege, and the Environment00000
ENVS 597ENonprofit Administration and Leadership00000
ENVS 599DGrad Sem: Readings Env Justice00000
ENVS 690Thesis00000
ENVS 116Sustainability Literacy I00000
ENVS 202Introduction to Environmental Studies and Sustainability00000
ENVS 499QTopics in GIS: Cart w/Illustr00000
ENVS 484The Literature of Nature and Place00000
ENVS 486Field Methods in Environmental Education00000
ENVS 487Conservation Psychology00000
ENVS 489Leadership for a Sustainable Future00000
ENVS 492Curriculum for Environment and Sustainability00000
ENVS 495Teaching Practicum00000
ENVS 497SUrban Design Studio and Applications00000
ENVS 498DInternational Study00000
ENVS 498BInternship00000
ENVS 110Ecogastronomy: The Art and Science of Food00000
ENVS 499ASeminar: Huxley Speaker Series00000
ENVS 499TCritical Animal Studies00000
ENVS 499OProfessional Geographer00000
ENVS 499CSeminar00000
ENVS 502Environmental Research and Projects Frameworks00000
ENVS 510Professional Development for Graduate Teaching Assistants00000
ENVS 520GIS III: Analysis and Modeling00000
ENVS 522Advanced Spatial Analysis00000