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WWU Course Reviews

Western Washington University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
GEOL 212Historical Geology44111
GEOL 340Geological Oceanography00000
GEOL 461Geochemistry00000
GEOL 457Practical Paleomagnetism00000
GEOL 453Plate Tectonics00000
GEOL 451Active Tectonics Seminar00000
GEOL 430Image Interpretation00000
GEOL 425Advanced Metamorphic Petrology00000
GEOL 413Fluvial Geomorphology00000
GEOL 410Geologic Mapping00000
GEOL 407Advanced Petrography00000
GEOL 401ATeaching Practicum00000
GEOL 400Directed Independent Study00000
GEOL 397GGeological Field Methods00000
GEOL 464Mantle Processes00000
GEOL 318Structural Geology00000
GEOL 315Minerals, Energy and Society00000
GEOL 311Earth Materials00000
GEOL 309Volcanology00000
GEOL 306Mineralogy00000
GEOL 301Geology Writing Co-Requisite00000
GEOL 252The Earth and Its Weather00000
GEOL 211Physical Geology00000
GEOL 197Geology of Mt. Baker00000
GEOL 101Introduction to Geology00000
GEOL 528Marine Depositional Environments00000
GEOL 597NICP-MS Theory and Applications in the Earth Sciences00000
GEOL 597KScience Communication00000
GEOL 597HRemote Sensing of Earth and Planetary Surfaces00000
GEOL 597PStable Isotope Geochemistry00000
GEOL 597UGeological Perspectives on Climate Change00000
GEOL 595Introduction to Graduate Research00000
GEOL 573Hydrogeology00000
GEOL 564Mantle Processes00000
GEOL 561Analytical Geochemistry00000
GEOL 554Magnetic Fabrics and Geological Processes00000
GEOL 552Applied Geophysics00000
GEOL 540Glacial Geology00000
GEOL 699Continuous Enrollment00000
GEOL 518Structural Geology and Tectonics of Washington00000
GEOL 512Tectonic Geomorphology00000
GEOL 502Advanced Methods in Geology00000
GEOL 501Teaching Practicum00000
GEOL 497NICP-MS Theory and Applications in the Earth Sciences00000
GEOL 497OModeling the Earth's Surface00000
GEOL 497MOrganic Geochemistry00000
GEOL 497KScience Communication00000
GEOL 497HRemote Sensing of Earth and Planetary Surfaces00000
GEOL 490Senior Thesis00000
GEOL 473Hydrogeology00000
GEOL 397EEnergy from the Earth00000
GEOL 472Surface Water Hydrology00000
GEOL 463Introduction to Seismology00000
GEOL 460ICP-MS Theory and Application in the Earth Sciences00000
GEOL 454Magnetic Fabrics and Geologic Processes00000
GEOL 452Applied Geophysics00000
GEOL 440Glacial Geology00000
GEOL 428Marine Depositional Environments00000
GEOL 415Sedimentology and Stratigraphy00000
GEOL 412Tectonic Geomorphology00000
GEOL 409Field Methods and Theory00000
GEOL 406Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology00000
GEOL 401BTeaching Practicum00000
GEOL 485Geothermal Energy00000
GEOL 352Introduction to Geophysics00000
GEOL 330Energy from the Earth00000
GEOL 316Paleontology00000
GEOL 314Engineering Geology00000
GEOL 310Geomorphology00000
GEOL 308Earthquakes00000
GEOL 303Dinosaurs and Their Environment00000
GEOL 300Directed Independent Study00000
GEOL 213GIS in Geology00000
GEOL 211APhysical Geology Review00000
GEOL 204Geol & Society: Monsters00000
GEOL 553Plate Tectonics00000
GEOL 690Thesis00000
GEOL 597QAdvanced Paleobiology00000
GEOL 597OModeling the Earth's Surface00000
GEOL 597VMagmatism00000
GEOL 597MOrganic Geochemistry00000
GEOL 597TMarine Geohazards00000
GEOL 585Geothermal Energy00000
GEOL 572Surface Water Hydrology00000
GEOL 563Introduction to Seismology00000
GEOL 560ICP-MS Theory and Application in the Earth Sciences00000
GEOL 557Practical Paleomagnetism00000
GEOL 110Natural Hazards and Disasters00000
GEOL 551Active Tectonics Seminar00000
GEOL 530Image Interpretation00000
GEOL 525Advanced Metamorphic Petrology00000
GEOL 513Fluvial Geomorphology00000
GEOL 503Special Topics in Geology00000
GEOL 500Directed Independent Study00000
GEOL 497UGeological Perspectives on Climate Change00000
GEOL 497VMagmatism00000
GEOL 497TMarine Geohazards00000
GEOL 497QAdvanced Paleobiology00000
GEOL 497PStable Isotope Geochemistry00000