ECON 1000
Introduction to Microeconomics
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Prof: Jinyue Li / Fall 2024
Dec 29, 2024
introduces basic microecon concepts and helps us to make smarter choices in real life
contents are overall straightforward, but it could be a bit hard as the entire course is online (except in-person mid-term & exam)
Prof Li was teaching the tutorials only, but she successfully brought out scenarios that connect to the online lecture videos (by Prof Cohen), maybe try add more interactive components other than iClicker maybe?
i'm only taking this for general education, so i don't have much can say, but this is not a bad choice for this purpose i'd say
Class Ratings
Professor Rating
Prof: Avi Cohen / Fall 2022
Mar 2, 2024
Good class, everyone should take it to understand basic microeconomics.
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Prof: Simin Seury / Summer 2022
Jul 25, 2022
way too much workload. it's an elective course for f sake. 19 years of schooling, never had a class this **** be4 you are forced to watch prerecorded lecture videos which is fine but it's locked at small screen1x speed, cant skip forward or go back, plus quiz during video lecture. i-clicker quiz during zoom class, if you miss one you get 0. three layers of tests. eg you have to do 1-1 test, 1-2test, 1-3test, 1-4test, 2-1test, 2-2test, 2-3test, 2-4test to unlock chapter 1 to 2 test. and then you to do chapter 1 to 2 test, and chapter 3 to 4 test to unlock the actual unit test. which by the require you to write the academic honesty form. yes, not sign, WRITE!
prof is fine but whoever design the course outline needs to chill
if you just need an nonscience req, don't take it. it's a easy class but expect to sink tons of time into it. not to study, just to watch their recorded video going over the same concept over and over and over again, and take a billion tests
Class Ratings
Prof: Avi Cohen / Fall 2020
Jun 21, 2021
This course is interesting, but if you have 0 interest in how micro econs work then this might be a little difficult to understand because it's easier to think about real life examples while learning. Professor Cohen wrote the textbook that we use, weekly reading is necessary to understanding the concept. It was fully online when I took it, so we have weekly reading (1 chapter a week), weekly lecture video and slides, bi-weekly quiz and mini tests and some more marks to score in tutorial. Generally if you attend every class and not miss out any deadline, you will pass. If you could understand the materials and practice them, scoring high should be easy. I got an A+ for this course but as a slow reader, I spent average 10-11hrs/week on this course alone including classes and everything I more
There's weekly PASS session available to you and I encourage you to attend it, you can choose any session that fits your schedule. They provide extra practice questions every session and you get to learn/clarify more things there.
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