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NATS 1745

History of Astronomy

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Reviews 2

Class Ratings

5Amazing Class
5Very Easy
5Very Interesting
2Barely Useful

Professor Rating

5Amazing Prof

Prof: Jesse Rogerson / Year 2023

Dec 3, 2023

Comments on the course

Very interesting and engaging course. Even if you aren't into Astronomy stuff, I promise you you'll get hooked to it!

Course Content

The course is about History of Astronomy. Don't freak out about the word "astronomy." The course gets into basic stuff about astronomy but the course is about history and requires little to no math. Content was light work and very easy to follow. Slides were very organized, the only bad part is that you have to memorize a lot of information. But his weekly quiz will help you retain information so no worries (you can attempt the quiz with no limits). Other than that, the content was pretty easy and the workload was easily the most manageable. Projects were also pretty easy (There's only 2). Just put in effort you'll easily get a high mark.

Comments on the professor

Professer Jesse Rogerson is the best! Very understanding and reasonable professor. He is very easy to reach out to and would gladly help you with anything regarding the course content, projects, etc.


The advice I can give is just honestly, go attend the lectures (or if you can't watch it online, he posts it on eclass) and take notes. If you are having problems with his lessons and projects, just reach out to him and he'll be able to work something out. Last advice is enjoy. Prof. Rogerson is so passionate about what he's teaching and you'll learn a lot of interesting stuff about history.

Delivery: HybridGrade: IncompleteWorkload: LightTextbook Use: No

Class Ratings

4Good Class
5Very Easy
5Very Interesting
2Barely Useful

Prof: Jesse Rogerson / Year 2020

Jul 13, 2021

Comments on the course

Very interesting and easy course! The lectures were broken down into parts per week and the course itself was very organized. This course is extremely easy if you put any effort in at all. It was probably the easiest course I ever took at York and I found it extremely interesting. It is a lot of learning about different discoveries. You learn things from Ancient Greek astronomy to spectroscopy of stars and future space missions.


Do the lectures and take decent notes. Don’t bother trying to cheat because if you put any effort in you can pass and do well very easily. Ask the prof if you need any help or clarification on anything! If you have Jesse he is a super nice guy and is very passionate about space.

Grade: A+Attendance: Non-MandatoryTextbook Use: No

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