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YorkU Course Reviews

York University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
KINE 3030Biomechanics33231
KINE 2495Introduction to Sport Related Injuries55441
KINE 3340Growth, Maturation and Physical Activity22111
KINE 1020Fitness and Health00000
KINE 4430Business Skills for Sport and Fitness Professionals00000
KINE 4150Nutrition in the Lifecycle00000
KINE 4120Nutritional Aids in Sport and Exercise00000
KINE 4060AIndependent Studies in Kinesiology and Health Science00000
KINE 3710Immune System in Health and Disease00000
KINE 3650Functional Neuroanatomy00000
KINE 3620Sociology of Sport I00000
KINE 3400Fitness Consulting and Personal Fitness Training00000
KINE 3350Physical Activity, Health and Aging00000
KINE 3020Skilled Performance and Motor Learning00000
KINE 2500Athletic Therapy Field Inquiry-Based Tutorial00000
KINE 2475Coaching: The Art and Science00000
KINE 4455Movement Analysis Laboratory00000
KINE 4375Body as Weapon: Martial Arts/Combat Training00000
KINE 4310International Development and Sport00000
KINE 4210Disorders of Visual Cognition00000
KINE 4020Human Nutrition00000
KINE 3503Athletic Therapy Upper & Lower Quadrant Seminar and Skills00000
KINE 3465Regional Human Anatomy II00000
KINE 3150Analysis of Data in Kinesiology II00000
KINE 2050Analysis of Data in Kinesiology I00000
KINE 3502Athletic Therapy Upper & Lower Quadrant Inquiry-Based Tutorial00000
KINE 4590Advanced Athletic Therapy Assessment & Rehabilitation00000
KINE 4100AHonours Thesis00000
KINE 1000Sociocultural Perspectives in Kinesiology00000
KINE 4645Active Living and Ageing00000
KINE 4443Living and performing at high altitude: The physiology of human adaptation to altitude hypoxia00000
KINE 4440Advanced Exercise Physiology: Muscle00000
KINE 4340Sport, 'Race' and Popular Culture in Canada00000
KINE 4230Neuronal development for activity and health00000
KINE 4140Nutrition and Human Diseases00000
KINE 3640Epidemiology of Physical Activity, Fitness and Health00000
KINE 4445Physiological Basis of Fatigue00000
KINE 3240Behavioural Approach to Administration of Fitness and Sport00000
KINE 3000Psychology of Physical Activity and Health00000
KINE 2502Athletic Therapy Extremities Inquiry-Based Tutorial00000
KINE 4900Exercise Therapy for Chronic Diseases00000
KINE 4646Delivering Exercise to the Aging: Knowledge to Action00000
KINE 4560Physical Activity and Children: Pedagogy00000
KINE 4505Neurophysiology of Movement in Health and Disease00000
KINE 4485Social Determinants of Physical Activity and Health in Canada00000
KINE 4516Mitochondria in Health and Disease00000
KINE 4495Doctors, Trainers and Drugs: The Socio-Cultural Study of Sports and Medicine00000
KINE 4515Stem Cells: Physiology and Therapeutic Applications00000
KINE 4448Advanced Human Physiology: Endocrinology00000
KINE 4421Relaxation II: Research and Application00000
KINE 3440Olympic Games: Heroes and Villains at Play00000
KINE 3012Human Physiology II00000
KINE 2503Athletic Therapy Extremities Seminar and Skills00000
KINE 4901Exercise Therapy for Chronic Diseases: Cardiovascular Diseases00000
KINE 4740Psychology of Sport Injury and Rehabilitation00000
KINE 4562Meta-analysis and Systematic Reviews: Methodology and Interpretation00000
KINE 4520Sport Psychology Seminar00000
KINE 4400Advanced Fitness/Lifestyle Assessment and Counselling00000
KINE 4480Sociology of Sport II00000
KINE 4453Vascular Function in Health and Disease00000
KINE 4442Advanced Exercise Physiology: Exercising and Surviving in Extreme Environments00000
KINE 4370Body as Light: Meditation Practices00000
KINE 3501Athletic Therapy Head Trunk and Spine Seminar and Skills00000
KINE 3490Sport Policy and Politics00000
KINE 3430Canadian Culture and Physical Activity00000
KINE 2501Athletic Therapy Field Seminar and Skills00000
KINE 2380Introduction to Sport Administration00000
KINE 2049Research Methods in Kinesiology 00000
KINE 4010Exercise Physiology00000
KINE 4565Epidemiology of Injury Prevention00000
KINE 2011Human Physiology I00000
KINE 4490Philosophical Issues in Kinesiology and Health Science00000
KINE 4460Occupational Biomechanics00000
KINE 4450Advanced Exercise Physiology: Cardiovascular00000
KINE 4420Relaxation: Theory and Practice00000
KINE 4240Applied Human Factors00000
KINE 4130Advanced Human Nutrition00000
KINE 4100Honours Thesis00000
KINE 4060Independent Studies in Kinesiology and Health Science00000
KINE 4720Secondary Prevention of Heart Disease: Cardiac Rehabilitation in a Global Context00000
KINE 3670Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience with Applications to Health00000
KINE 3645Physical Activity and Health Promotion00000
KINE 3635Fundamentals of Epidemiology00000
KINE 3575Athletic Injuries - Extremities00000
KINE 3500Athletic Therapy Head, Trunk & Spine Inquiry-Based Tutorial00000
KINE 3460Regional Human Anatomy I00000
KINE 3360Gender and Sexuality in Sport and Health00000
KINE 3345Adapted Physical Activity00000
KINE 2031Human Anatomy00000