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YorkU Course Reviews

York University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
PHYS 1800Engineering Mechanics4.54.5442
PHYS 1411Physics Fundamentals 111111
PHYS 2020Electricity and Magnetism41551
PHYS 3330Materials for Space Applications00000
PHYS 3220Experiments in Modern Physics00000
PHYS 5390Astronomical Techniques00000
PHYS 3040Modern Physics00000
PHYS 6200Angular Momentum Coupling in Quantum Mechanics00000
PHYS 6001BM.Sc. Research Evaluation00000
PHYS 5800Introduction to Biological Physics00000
PHYS 5100Solid State Physics00000
PHYS 4211Advanced Experimental Physics II00000
PHYS 4050Solid State Physics00000
PHYS 4060Time Series and Spectral Analysis00000
PHYS 2211Experimental Electromagnetism00000
PHYS 6208Topics in Atom/Molecule-Laser Interactions00000
PHYS 5000Quantum Mechanics I00000
PHYS 4120Gas and Fluid Dynamics00000
PHYS 3250Introduction to Space Communications00000
PHYS 3050Electronics I00000
PHYS 3030Statistical and Thermal Physics00000
PHYS 3280Physics of the Space Environment00000
PHYS 1421Physics with Life Science Applications 100000
PHYS 1420Physics with Applications to Life Sciences00000
PHYS 7001GPh.D. Research Evaluation00000
PHYS 7001EPh.D. Research Ecaluation00000
PHYS 7001BPh.D. Research Evaluation00000
PHYS 5140Particle Physics00000
PHYS 5040Elementary Particle Physics00000
PHYS 4170Observational and Theoretical Cosmology00000
PHYS 4020Electromagnetics II00000
PHYS 4030Advanced Computational Methods for Scientists and Engineers00000
PHYS 3010Classical Mechanics00000
PHYS 2010Classical Mechanics00000
PHYS 1422Physics with Life Science Applications 200000
PHYS 1070Fundamentals of Astronomy00000
PHYS 6211The Universe at Radio Wavelengths00000
PHYS 5490Astronomical Research00000
PHYS 5070AAdvanced Numerical Methods00000
PHYS 4310Physics or Astronomy Project00000
PHYS 4350Space Hardware00000
PHYS 5110Quantum Electronics00000
PHYS 4000Teaching Physics in the Intermediate-Senior Divisions - A00000
PHYS 3090Methods in Theoretical Physics00000
PHYS 3020Electromagnetics I00000
PHYS 1011Physics 100000
PHYS 7001FPh.D. Research Evaluation00000
PHYS 7001CPh.D. Research Evaluation00000
PHYS 6212Density Matrices and Spontaneous Decay in Atomic Physics00000
PHYS 6060Advanced Topics in Theoretical Physics00000
PHYS 6001AM.Sc. Research Evaluation00000
PHYS 4061Experimental Techniques in Laser Physics00000
PHYS 5020Electromagnetism00000
PHYS 4110Dynamics of Space Vehicles00000
PHYS 3320Microsystems Technology00000
PHYS 3150Electronics II00000
PHYS 1801Electricity, Magnetism and Optics for Engineers00000
PHYS 4010Quantum Mechanics00000
PHYS 3070Planets and Planetary Systems00000
PHYS 2070Galaxies and the Universe00000
PHYS 4210Advanced Experimental Physics I00000
PHYS 1510Introduction to Physics00000
PHYS 4270Astronomical Techniques00000
PHYS 2213Experimental Physics with Data Analysis00000
PHYS 7001DPh.D. Research Evaluation00000
PHYS 7001APh.D Research Evaluation00000
PHYS 6001CM.Sc. Research Evaluation00000
PHYS 5590Observational and Theoretical Cosmology00000
PHYS 5070BNumerical Solutions to Differential Equations00000
PHYS 2040Relativity and Modern Physics00000
PHYS 4040Elementary Particle Physics00000
PHYS 2060Optics and Spectra00000
PHYS 2030Computational Methods for Physicists and Engineers00000
PHYS 1470Highlights of Astronomy00000
PHYS 1412Physics Fundamentals 200000
PHYS 1012Physics 200000
PHYS 5400Physics Research00000
PHYS 5061Experimental Techniques in Laser Physics00000