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YorkU Course Reviews

York University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
POLS 6145Indigenous Politics: Decolonization or 'Development'?21.5222
POLS 4125Gender and Current Policy Issues3.31541
POLS 6292Illicit Economies and Global Politics00000
POLS 4025Freedom and Equality00000
POLS 6525Diasporas: Transnational Communities and Limits of Citizenship00000
POLS 2510Introduction to Comparative Politics00000
POLS 2920Introduction aux relations internationales00000
POLS 3560The Global South: Politics, Policy and Development00000
POLS 4130POLS 4280Politics, Law and the CourtsRussia in World Affairs00000
POLS 6000AM.A. Colloquium00000
POLS 6110Canadian Government and Politics00000
POLS 6340Quantitative Analysis00000
POLS 6700Advanced Studies in Women and Politics00000
POLS 2100Introduction to Canadian Politics00000
POLS 2201Introduction to International Politics00000
POLS 3065Political Culture of Race and Racism00000
POLS 3135Public Law I: The Constitution and the Courts in Canada00000
POLS 3150Political Parties in Canada00000
POLS 3667War, Power, and Sovereignty: Early Modern Political Theory I00000
POLS 3686Politics of the Middle East and North Africa00000
POLS 3990Supervised Reading and Research00000
POLS 6900Contemporary Research in Politics00000
POLS 4075Encounters of Islam and Modernity00000
POLS 6999M.A. Major Research Paper00000
POLS 7100Political Inquiry and Research Design00000
POLS 1090Introduction to Business, Government and Society00000
POLS 3025A Century of Revolution00000
POLS 3155Election Campaigns in Canada00000
POLS 3190Public Administration00000
POLS 3210Global Conflict and Security II00000
POLS 3275Global Political Economy II: Issues and Problems Since 194500000
POLS 3415Work and Employment in the Global Economy00000
POLS 4015Theories of Justice00000
POLS 6220Contemporary Security Studies: Conflict, Intervention, and Peacebuilding00000
POLS 4117Political Economy of NAFTA00000
POLS 4155Politics of the Canadian Women's Movement00000
POLS 4255Issues in International Human Rights00000
POLS 4405Capitalism, Class and Social Movements00000
POLS 4510Advanced Topics in Chinese Politics00000
POLS 4546Politics, Society and Democracy in the United States00000
POLS 4603Politics of the Canadian Women's Movement00000
POLS 4626Contemporary Political Philosophy00000
POLS 4905Political Economy and Political Power00000
POLS 4651International Refugee Protection/Protection internationale des r�fugi�s00000
POLS 3694Cities, Migrants, and the Politics of Belonging00000
POLS 4071The Politics of Cyberspace00000
POLS 4101Canada and the Arctic00000
POLS 4250Canadian Foreign Policy00000
POLS 4291Capital and Power in the Global Political Economy00000
POLS 4420People Power and Colour Revolutions: Achieving Democracy in Authoritarian Societies00000
POLS 4490Inequality, Development and the Global South00000
POLS 4601Issues in International Law00000
POLS 4609Sovereignty00000
POLS 4637Deliberation and Participation00000
POLS 3672La sociologie politique : autorit�, pouvoir et domination00000
POLS 6155Democratic Administration00000
POLS 6250Neoliberalism00000
POLS 6515The Making of the Modern Middle East: Politics, States and Societies00000
POLS 6705Gender and International Human Rights: Law, Citizenships and Borders00000
POLS 2485Introduction to Political Theory00000
POLS 2600Introduction to Canadian Politics00000
POLS 3085Political Economy as a Moral Science: The Economics of Marx and Keynes00000
POLS 4035The Emergence of Modernity00000
POLS 1200The Politics of Law00000
POLS 4980Politics Honours Colloquium00000
POLS 4215Multilateralism00000
POLS 4292Political Economy of Capital Accumulation00000
POLS 4294Power, Governance and Resistance in the Global Political Economy00000
POLS 4296Gender-Responsive and Participatory Budgeting: Canadian and International Experiences00000
POLS 4406The Contemporary Politics of Work and Labour00000
POLS 4440Global Governance & Politics in Comparative Perspective00000
POLS 4555Latin American Development00000
POLS 4595Asia in the New Global Order00000
POLS 4640The Idea of Democracy00000
POLS 4100Individual Thesis00000
POLS 6000RHistories and Theories of Nationalism00000
POLS 6285Global Capital00000
POLS 6470Globalization and the State00000
POLS 6990AReading Course00000
POLS 3070Psychology and Politics00000
POLS 3195Multilevel Governance, Policy and Program Delivery in Canada00000
POLS 3260Politique publique compar�e00000
POLS 3411The Political Economy of Newly-Industrialized Countries00000
POLS 3668Community, Liberty, and Institutions: Early Modern Political Theory II00000
POLS 3690The Logic of Social Inquiry: Quantitative Methods (Data Collection and Analysis)00000
POLS 6750Gender and the Construction of Global Markets00000
POLS 6990Reading Course00000
POLS 1000Introduction to Politics: Exploring the Democratic Experience00000
POLS 2620Introduction to Statistical Methods II00000
POLS 3100Media, Identity and Citizenship00000
POLS 3171Canada's Labour Market00000
POLS 3240Multilateralism I: The United Nations, Regional Organizations and International Law00000
POLS 3350Communist and Post-Communist Politics00000
POLS 3628The Politics of Science00000
POLS 3671Politics and Society in Latin America00000
POLS 6465Rebellion and Revolution in Modern Latin America00000
POLS 4065Critical Theory: Society and Politics00000
POLS 4091Marxism, Feminism, Poststructuralism00000
POLS 4165Canadian Social Policy in Comparative Perspective00000
POLS 4403Economic Unions and Globalization00000
POLS 4517Debates in Contemporary European Union Politics00000
POLS 4605Foreign Policy in Theory and Practice00000
POLS 4610States, Societies & Information Technology00000
POLS 4685The Foreign Policy of the Major Asian States00000
POLS 6086Thinking Power and Violence: from Nietzsche to Agamben00000
POLS 3521European Union: Integration and Disintegration00000
POLS 2400Introduction to Comparative Politics00000
POLS 3020Utopia, Power and Sovereignty00000
POLS 3102Aboriginal Politics in Canada00000
POLS 3170Canada's Social Policy00000
POLS 3230Global Issues in Foreign Policy00000
POLS 3270Global Political Economy I: Theory and Approaches00000
POLS 3360Politics in Quebec/La politique du Qu�bec00000
POLS 3450Women and Politics00000
POLS 3515China: 21st Century Superpower00000
POLS 6271Political Economy: Major Texts00000
POLS 3602Illiberal Politics00000
POLS 3650Paix, s�curit� et droits humains internationaux00000
POLS 4010History of Political Thought00000
POLS 4040Thinking Politics Today: Contemporary Political Theory00000
POLS 4103Diversity and Politics in Canada00000
POLS 4200International Relations Theory00000
POLS 4287Global Political Economy and the Making of World Orders00000
POLS 6130The State and Society In Canada00000
POLS 6280Topics in Political Economy: Comparative and International I00000
POLS 4295Political Economy of Global Finance00000
POLS 3540American Government and Politics00000
POLS 3647M�dias et politiques00000
POLS 3680Logic of Social Inquiry: Qualitative Methods00000
POLS 3720American Political Development00000
POLS 4000Teaching Politics in the Intermediate-Senior Divisions - A00000
POLS 4045Ecology, Politics and Theory00000
POLS 4170Religion, Law and Public Policy in Canada00000
POLS 4285Topics in the International Political Economy of Eastern Asia00000
POLS 4290Topics in International Political Economy00000
POLS 4293Patterns and Problems of Globalization00000
POLS 3520Governing the New Europe00000
POLS 4402Protest Movements and Democracy00000
POLS 4410Social Justice and Political Activists00000
POLS 4450Political Economy and Political Power00000
POLS 4561Topics in Middle East Politics00000
POLS 4618La diplomatie00000
POLS 4810Politics and Public Policy in Europe00000
POLS 4990Supervised Reading and Research00000
POLS 6087Politics of Aesthetics00000
POLS 6275Ethnonationalist Conflicts and World Politics00000
POLS 6410The Study Of Comparative Politics00000
POLS 6435Capitalism, the State and Social Provisioning00000
POLS 6625The Political Economy of the BRICS00000
POLS 2000Perspectives on Politics: Classics of Political Thought00000
POLS 2645Ancient Philosophy and Political Theory00000
POLS 3300Statistics for Social Sciences00000
POLS 3692Theories of Society00000
POLS 4985Global Political Studies Honours Colloquium00000
POLS 6010Symposium In Political Theory00000
POLS 6200Adv. Study In International Relations00000
POLS 6566Advanced Topics in Latin American and Caribbean Politics00000
POLS 2200Communities and Public Law00000
POLS 2610Introduction to Statistical Methods I00000
POLS 3075Law, Justice and Jurisprudence00000
POLS 3136Public Law II: The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Limits of Public Administration00000
POLS 3200Global Conflict and Security I00000
POLS 3235International Relations Through Film and Literature00000
POLS 3297Foundations of Political Economy00000
POLS 3400Political Economy of Industrial Democracies00000
POLS 3500Democracy and Representation00000