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YorkU Course Reviews

York University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
SOCI 2080Power and Everyday Life33441
SOCI 2050Social Structure and Social Change00000
SOCI 3658Colonialisme, genre soci�t�s en Afrique noire00000
SOCI 3220Cultural Sociology00000
SOCI 3110Collective Behaviour00000
SOCI 3030Social Statistics I00000
SOCI 2672Religion and Society00000
SOCI 2610Introduction to Statistical Methods I00000
SOCI 4615Feminist Theories and Methodologies00000
SOCI 4100Sociology Field Placement00000
SOCI 3650Sociology of Religion00000
SOCI 3450The Sociology of Race and Racism00000
SOCI 3031Statistics for Sociology00000
SOCI 2520Deviant Behaviour and Social Control00000
SOCI 3810Criminalization and Regulation00000
SOCI 1000Skills for Success in Sociology00000
SOCI 4930Sociology of Science and Technology00000
SOCI 4700Green Theory, Culture and Capitalization00000
SOCI 4210Economic Sociology00000
SOCI 3917Communaut�s et soci�t�s00000
SOCI 3694Cities, Migrants, and the Politics of Belonging00000
SOCI 3670Sociology Of Sport00000
SOCI 3609Women and Religion: Sex, Spirituality and Feminine Power00000
SOCI 3217Mobsters, Fraudsters, Gangsters and Killers: Power, Law and Criminal Justice00000
SOCI 2620Introduction to Statistical Methods II00000
SOCI 6831Health and Illness00000
SOCI 6794Space, Place and Capitalism: Themes in Historical-Geographical Materialism00000
SOCI 3690The Logic of Social Inquiry: Quantitative Methods (Data Collection and Analysis)00000
SOCI 5900Independent Reading Course00000
SOCI 4345Family and Intimate Relations00000
SOCI 4010Strategies Of Social Research00000
SOCI 3820Sociology of Health and Health Care00000
SOCI 6810Topics in Biopolitics00000
SOCI 6745The Making of Asian Studies: Critical Perspectives00000
SOCI 6181Studies in Sexual Regulation00000
SOCI 6002Doctoral Seminar II: Professional Development Workshop Series00000
SOCI 4620Urban Environmentalism and Urban Sociology00000
SOCI 4601Indigenous Activism, Resistance and Resurgence00000
SOCI 4410Sociology of Poverty00000
SOCI 4275Beliefs in the Digital Age: Religion, Faith and Spirituality00000
SOCI 3950Exploring Disability: An Introduction to Disability Studies00000
SOCI 6200Contemporary Topics in Social Theory00000
SOCI 3648Music and Culture in Global Perspective00000
SOCI 3340Globalization and Resistance00000
SOCI 2652Social Movements and Contentious Politics in a Global Context00000
SOCI 6900Independent Reading Course00000
SOCI 6615Diaspora, Hegemony and Cultural Identity00000
SOCI 6535Critical Sexuality00000
SOCI 6195Theorizing Modernity00000
SOCI 4523Femmes, genre, migration internationale et mondialisation00000
SOCI 4430Human Displacement and Refugees in a Global Context00000
SOCI 4360Migration Experiences: Theory and Practice00000
SOCI 4310Culture, Health and Power00000
SOCI 4030Independent Study00000
SOCI 6900AIndependent Reading Course00000
SOCI 6060Qualitative Methods Of Research00000
SOCI 4840Sociology of Policing00000
SOCI 4621Decolonising Canada - D�coloniser le Canada00000
SOCI 4605Sociology of Masculinities: From Iron John to Buck Angel00000
SOCI 4490Studies in Sexual Regulation00000
SOCI 4300Sociology of Health Care Systems00000
SOCI 4060The Sociology of Parent/Child Relationships00000
SOCI 3830Sociology of Urban Life00000
SOCI 3672La sociologie politique : autorit�, pouvoir et domination00000
SOCI 3644Global Sociology00000
SOCI 3225Public Sociology00000
SOCI 2680Relations sexe/genre00000
SOCI 2618Educational Organizations00000
SOCI 6684Critical Social Policy Analysis00000
SOCI 6805Bodies and Biotechnologies in Anthropology00000
SOCI 6536Transnational Sexualities00000
SOCI 6204Indigenous Theory00000
SOCI 6090Selected Topics In Empirical Methods00000
SOCI 5995Masters Seminar00000
SOCI 4500Social Theory, Culture and Politics00000
SOCI 4390Transnationalism and Diaspora00000
SOCI 4350Immigration and Citizenship00000
SOCI 4220Social Movements: Theory and Practice00000
SOCI 3600Sociology of Work and Labour00000
SOCI 3230Health and Illness in Contemporary Societies: Critical Perspectives00000
SOCI 2630Aboriginal Peoples of Canada00000
SOCI 1010Introduction to Sociology 00000
SOCI 6001Doctoral Seminar I: Professional Development Workshop Series00000
SOCI 4604Cultures et Politiques de Genre00000
SOCI 4440Racialization and the Law00000
SOCI 4370Immigrant Youth In Canada - Settlement & Integration00000
SOCI 4215Capitalism, Ideology, and Social Theory00000
SOCI 3860Women, Work and Family00000
SOCI 3680Logic of Social Inquiry: Qualitative Methods00000
SOCI 3649Sociologie des �motions : de l'intime au politique00000
SOCI 3410Social Inequality00000
SOCI 3210Coming of Age in a Risk Society: Sociology of Childhood, Adolescence and Youth00000
SOCI 3040Advanced Sociological Theory00000
SOCI 2685La Famille00000
SOCI 2634Language and Society00000
SOCI 2030Sociological Research Methods00000
SOCI 6112Quantitative Analysis00000
SOCI 4070Sociology of the Body00000
SOCI 4000Honours Thesis00000
SOCI 3692Theories of Society00000
SOCI 3630Sociology of Education00000
SOCI 3430Ethnicity, Power and Identity00000
SOCI 2660Perspectives on Human Nature00000
SOCI 2510Perspectives sociologiques00000
SOCI 2060Social Interaction and Community00000
SOCI 2040Sociological Theory00000
SOCI 6885Politics of Security and Regulation00000
SOCI 6760Race and Ethnicity00000