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CSE 100

Prin of Programming with C++

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1Awful Class
3Avg. Difficulty
5Very Interesting
5Very Useful

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2Bad Prof

Prof: Soumya Indela / Spring 2025

Feb 17, 2025

Comments on the course

Be ready to teach yourself - I managed to learn C++ basics, but this was hands down one of the most poorly designed and administered classes I've taken through ASU online. Can't believe I paid this much to watch 6-year-old prerecorded lectures that are freely available on the internet. The textbook readings rarely matched what you're expected to know on the exams. It's truly the Frankenstein's monster of classes - disconnected lectures, readings, labs, and exams all crudely sewn together and somehow brought to life.

Course Content

The labs could've been solid practice .At their core, they actually helped you learn. But the directions were a mess! The wording was often vague and confusing, made even worse by grammar errors everywhere. Half the labs didn't even have rubrics when we started, and when people complained enough, they slapped together some last-minute rubrics that didn't even match what the assignment directions asked for! It's like they couldn't decide what they wanted us to do - were we supposed to follow the original directions or these new rubrics that came out of nowhere?

Comments on the professor

Communication in this class was a complete train wreck. The professor kept herself at arm's length - offering just one office hour per week, conveniently scheduled on the same Fridays our assignments were due. pretty helpful for working adults taking an online program, right? It took weeks of confusion before the TAs finally gave out the professor's email address - something that should've been right there in the syllabus from day one. If you needed help understanding anything, you were just pointed to these Friday office hours that most of us couldn't attend anyway. I'm not saying all the course problems were the professor's fault, but the bare minimum of communication would have been nice.


Take the class with literally any other professor.

Delivery: OnlineGrade: BWorkload: ModerateTextbook Use: Yes
Assignment HeavyExam Heavy

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