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ASU Course Reviews

Arizona State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CSE 100Prin of Programming with C++13551
CSE 110Principles of Programming44451
CSE 535Mobile Computing12321
CSE 355Intro Theoretical Computer Sci21321
CSE 360Intro to Software Engineering44431
CSE 466Computer Systems Security51541
CSE 494Topic: Foundations of Data Visualization00000
CSE 230Computer Org/Assemb Lang Prog00000
CSE 492Honors Directed Study (RSC)00000
CSE 485Computer Sci Capstone Proj I00000
CSE 477Intro Computer-Aided Geom Desg00000
CSE 472Social Media Mining00000
CSE 470Computer Graphics00000
CSE 468Computer Network Security00000
CSE 465Information Assurance00000
CSE 463Intro Human Computer Interactn00000
CSE 460Software Analysis and Design00000
CSE 446Software Integration and Engr00000
CSE 438Embedded Systems Programming00000
CSE 424Systems Capstone Project II00000
CSE 420Computer Architecture I00000
CSE 408Multimedia Information Systems00000
CSE 340Recitation00000
CSE 330Operating Systems00000
CSE 320Design/Syn Digital Hardware00000
CSE 301Computing Ethics00000
CSE 259Logic in Computer Science00000
CSE 795Continuing Registration (RSC)00000
CSE 564Software Design00000
CSE 790Reading and Conference (IND)00000
CSE 599Thesis (RSC)00000
CSE 595Continuing Registration (RSC)00000
CSE 590Reading and Conference (IND)00000
CSE 580Practicum (PRA)00000
CSE 578Data Visualization00000
CSE 576Topics/Natural Language Proc00000
CSE 574Planning/Learning Methods AI00000
CSE 572Data Mining00000
CSE 570Advanced Computer Graphics I00000
CSE 566Software Proj/Process/Qual Mgt00000
CSE 509Digital Video Processing00000
CSE 561Modeling/Simulation Theory/App00000
CSE 555Theory of Computation00000
CSE 551Foundations of Algorithms00000
CSE 550Combinatorial Algorithms/Intrt00000
CSE 546Cloud Computing00000
CSE 543Info Assurance & Security00000
CSE 539Applied Cryptography00000
CSE 531Distrib/Multiprocess Oper Sys00000
CSE 522Real-Time Embedded Systems00000
CSE 515Multimedia and Web Databases00000
CSE 511Data Processing at Scale00000
CSE 434Computer Networks00000
CSE 510Database Mgmt Sys Implementn00000
CSE 499Individualized Instruction (IND)00000
CSE 493Honors Thesis (RSC)00000
CSE 486Computer Sci Capstone Proj II00000
CSE 484Topic: Department (PRA)00000
CSE 475Found of Machine Learning00000
CSE 471Intro Artificial Intelligence00000
CSE 469Computer and Network Forensics00000
CSE 464Software QA and Testing00000
CSE 450Design&Analysis of Algorithms00000
CSE 445Distributed Software Developmt00000
CSE 512Distributed Database Systems00000
CSE 423Systems Capstone Project I00000
CSE 412Database Management00000
CSE 365Information Assurance00000
CSE 335Princ of Mobile App Dev (LEL)00000
CSE 325Embedded Microprocessor System00000
CSE 310Data Structures and Algorithms00000
CSE 294Topic: Fundamentals of Computer Programming II00000
CSE 240Intro to Programming Languages00000
CSE 220Programming for Computer Engr00000
CSE 180Computer Literacy00000
CSE 120Digital Design Fundamentals00000
CSE 571Artificial Intelligence00000
CSE 194Topic: Computer Programming Concepts00000
CSE 799Dissertation (RSC)00000
CSE 792Research (RSC)00000
CSE 691Topic: Current Topics in Cybersecurity (SEM)00000
CSE 598Topic: Smart City Infrastructure and Technology00000
CSE 591Topic: Image Analytics & Informatics00000
CSE 584Topic: Curricular Practical Training Internship (PRA)00000
CSE 579Knowledge Representation00000
CSE 577Advanced Geometric Modeling I00000
CSE 575Statistical Machine Learning00000
CSE 573Semantic Web Mining00000
CSE 205Object-Oriented Program & Data00000
CSE 569Fundamentals of Stat. Learning00000
CSE 565Software Verif/Validation/Test00000
CSE 563Software Requirements and Spec00000
CSE 556Game Theory with Applications00000
CSE 552Random&Approximation Algorithm00000
CSE 548Adv Computer Network Security00000
CSE 545Software Security00000
CSE 534Advanced Computer Networks00000
CSE 530Embed Operating Sys Internals00000
CSE 520Computer Architecture II00000