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ASU Course Reviews

Arizona State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
SLC 123Gods & Monsters: Comparat Myth53531
SLC 201Introduction to Linguistics54541
SLC 439Vladímir Vladímirovich Nabókov00000
SLC 441Fairy Tales00000
SLC 425Colonialism to Climate Change00000
SLC 421Topic: Spaces of Disaster and Precarity00000
SLC 414French&Italian Popular Culture00000
SLC 394Topic: Religious Practice of People in Modern Japan (LEL)00000
SLC 373Roman History I00000
SLC 362Ancient Greek Religion00000
SLC 360Greece & Rome at War00000
SLC 348Israeli Society and Culture00000
SLC 344Classics and Comics00000
SLC 340Approaches Intl Cinema00000
SLC 333China00000
SLC 331Arabic/Islamic Culture & Lit00000
SLC 321Modern Korean Literature00000
SLC 310Migration and Identity00000
SLC 304Digital Humanities Lang Majors (LEL)00000
SLC 294Topic: Arab Cultures in a Global Perspective00000
SLC 223Intro to Greek & Roman Myth00000
SLC 494Topic: Buddhist Meditation in Asia (LEL)00000
SLC 799Dissertation (RSC)00000
SLC 792Research00000
SLC 691Topic: Applied Linguistics:Languages for SpecificPurpose (SE...00000
SLC 690Reading and Conference00000
SLC 598Topic: Holocaust and German Mediated Memory00000
SLC 593Applied Project00000
SLC 557CALL00000
SLC 545Concepts of Literary Criticism00000
SLC 499Individualized Instruction (RSC)00000
SLC 214World's Game:Hst & Cltr Soccer00000
SLC 492Honors Directed Study00000
SLC 485Translation of Legal Texts (LEL)00000
SLC 482Business&Financial Translation (LEL)00000
SLC 480Methods Teaching Foreign Lang (LEL)00000
SLC 475Latin American Film00000
SLC 455Berlin:Migration,Arts&Activism00000
SLC 451Chinese Cultural History I00000
SLC 446Weimar-Era German Film00000
SLC 444Heroes, Ancient and Modern00000
SLC 375Intercultural Comm in Korea00000
SLC 452Chinese Cultural History II00000
SLC 450Experimental Narrative00000
SLC 445Holocaust & German Memory00000
SLC 442Dracula and Vampire Lore00000
SLC 440Topic: Approaches to Film Theory00000
SLC 429Topic: Politics & Culture in European Short Fiction00000
SLC 423Mafia and Film00000
SLC 415Korean Popular Culture00000
SLC 401Translation Theory & Practice (LEL)00000
SLC 457PreModern Korea Global Context00000
SLC 371Language Hegemony and Culture00000
SLC 361Roman Religion00000
SLC 351Tales of Troy00000
SLC 347Modern Israeli Lit in Transl00000
SLC 343Culture&SocietyTransformation00000
SLC 336Interpreting China's Classics00000
SLC 323Russian Lit and Revolutn 20thC (LEL)00000
SLC 194Topic: Food, Culture, and Society in Latin America (LEL)00000
SLC 141Russian Civilization00000
SLC 590Reading and Conference (RSC)00000
SLC 212Language and Culture Clash00000
SLC 202Expl Culture: Words/Image/Stor00000
SLC 142Ancient Greek Civilization00000
SLC 140Grk&Lat Roots Biosctfc Trmnlgy (LEL)00000
SLC 120Intro to Chinese Culture00000
SLC 795Continuing Registration00000
SLC 790Reading and Conference00000
SLC 602Comparative Cultural Theory00000
SLC 596Second Language Methodologies (SEM)00000
SLC 222Survey of Roman Literature00000
SLC 551Global Approaches to Trans (RSC)00000
SLC 510CALL Praxis00000
SLC 498Topic: Chinese Flagship00000
SLC 493Honors Thesis00000
SLC 486Medical Translation00000
SLC 484Internship00000
SLC 481Technical&Scientific Translatn (LEL)00000
SLC 479Intro to Teaching Foreign Lang (LEL)00000