COMP 3004
Object-Oriented Software Engineering
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Prof: Vojislav Radonjic / Fall 2024
Jan 6, 2025
The course is very poorly organized and needs to be restructured! Prof Vojislav does his best with a course that has content for about 3 weeks' worth of lectures. The majority of the lectures are just him going over the same assignment for weeks on end, answering questions. He throws a bunch of resources at you to read but none of them are tested on or talked about. The assignment specifications contradict what he says in class and he tends to change them the day before it is due and will only release the rubric a couple of days before a large project is due. Be prepared for the assignments as they are very vague and he gives no examples in class, so most of the work on the assignment is figuring out what he is looking for.
You will learn about how to make use cases, sequence diagrams, and Traceability matrices. The final project is a team project and you will use QT C++ which he does not show you how to use at all. The final project is heavy on creating a GUI and the functionality of it. 3 solo projects and a final team project.
Good Luck.
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