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Carleton Course Reviews

Carleton University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
COMP 2402Abstract Data Types and Algorithms1.
COMP 3804Design and Analysis of Algorithms I1.51332
COMP 1805Discrete Structures I433.53.52
COMP 3000Operating Systems4.53.53.542
COMP 1005Introduction to Computer Science I44451
COMP 2804Discrete Structures II43541
COMP 2406Fundamentals of Web Applications54551
COMP 2801Introduction to Robotics11421
COMP 2404Introduction to Software Engineering53551
COMP 1406Introduction to Computer Science II32241
COMP 3004Object-Oriented Software Engineering12241
COMP 1001Introduction to Computational Thinking for Arts and Social Science Students00000
COMP 4106Artificial Intelligence00000
COMP 4109Applied Cryptography00000
COMP 4206Evolving Information Networks00000
COMP 4602Social Networking00000
COMP 4806Numerical Linear Algebra00000
COMP 4906Honours Thesis00000
COMP 3805Discrete Structures and Applications (Honours)00000
COMP 1405Introduction to Computer Science I00000
COMP 3002Compiler Construction00000
COMP 4003Transaction Processing Systems00000
COMP 3999Co-operative Work Term00000
COMP 3007Programming Paradigms00000
COMP 3501Foundations of Game Programming and Computer Graphics00000
COMP 3008Human-Computer Interaction00000
COMP 2911Internship00000
COMP 2601Mobile Applications00000
COMP 2401Introduction to Systems Programming00000
COMP 4910Internship00000
COMP 4900Advanced Topics in Computer Science00000
COMP 4803Computable Functions00000
COMP 4308Computational Systems Biology00000
COMP 4202Computational Aspects of Geographic Information Systems00000
COMP 4107Neural Networks00000
COMP 4009Programming for Clusters and Multi-Core Processors00000
COMP 5409Applied Computational Geometry00000
COMP 5111Data Mgmt for Business Intell.00000
COMP 5115Geometry Processing00000
COMP 5118Trends in Big Data Management00000
COMP 5206Evolutionary Computation and Artificial Life00000
COMP 5210Human-Computer Interaction Models, Theories, and Frameworks00000
COMP 5305Advanced Database Systems00000
COMP 5310Evolving Information Networks00000
COMP 5406Network Security and Cryptography00000
COMP 5107Statistical and Syntactic Pattern Recognition00000
COMP 5704Parallel Algorithms and Applications in Data Science00000
COMP 5709Combinatorial Algorithms00000
COMP 5900Selected Topics in Computer Science00000
COMP 5904Master's Seminar00000
COMP 6604Intelligent Transportation Sys00000
COMP 6901Directed Studies (Ph.D.)00000
COMP 6907Doctoral Comprehensive00000
COMP 6909Ph.D. Thesis00000
COMP 4804Design and Analysis of Algorithms II00000
COMP 3301Technical Writing for Computer Science00000
COMP 3801Algorithms for Modern Data Sets00000
COMP 3807Mathematical Software00000
COMP 4000Distributed Operating Systems00000
COMP 4004Software Quality Assurance00000
COMP 4108Computer Systems Security00000
COMP 4203Wireless Networks and Security00000
COMP 4501Advanced Facilities for Real-Time Games00000
COMP 3803Introduction to Theory of Computation00000
COMP 4901Directed Studies00000
COMP 4911Internship00000
COMP 1004Introduction to Computers for the Sciences00000
COMP 3109Applied Cryptography and Authentication00000
COMP 4105Machine Learning00000
COMP 5005Learning Systems for Random Environments00000
COMP 5100Topic in AI:Virtual Assistants00000
COMP 5102Distributed Operating Systems00000
COMP 5104Object-Oriented Software Dev.00000
COMP 5801Topics in Machine Learning00000
COMP 5901Directed Studies (M.C.S.)00000
COMP 5905M.C.S. Thesis00000
COMP 1008Math for Game Programmers00000
COMP 3601Social Networking00000
COMP 5003Principles of Distributed Computing00000
COMP 5007Graphic Models00000
COMP 5101Distributed Databases and Transaction Processing Systems00000
COMP 5706Data Mining & Concept Learning00000
COMP 5110Computer Security and Usability00000
COMP 5112Algorithms for Data Science00000
COMP 5116Machine Learning00000
COMP 5201Computer Animation00000
COMP 5204Computational Aspects of Geographic Information Systems00000
COMP 5209Visual Analytics00000
COMP 5302Automated Verification & Validation Of Software00000
COMP 5307Knowledge Representation00000
COMP 5703Algorithm Analysis and Design00000
COMP 5505Natural Language Processing00000
COMP 5407Authentication and Software Security00000
COMP 5401Electronic Commerce Technologies00000
COMP 5306Data Integration00000
COMP 5301Software Usability00000
COMP 5207Software Engineering00000
COMP 5205Virtual Environments00000
COMP 5117Mining Software Repositories00000
COMP 5114Quantum Communications and Networking00000
COMP 5108Algorithms in Bioinformatics00000
COMP 5103Wireless Ad Hoc Networking00000
COMP 5008Computational Geometry00000
COMP 5004Fault Tolerance00000
COMP 3806Numerical Analysis00000
COMP 1006Introduction to Computer Science II00000
COMP 3911Internship00000
COMP 4002Real-Time 3D Game Engines00000
COMP 4102Computer Vision00000
COMP 4111Data Management for Business Intelligence00000
COMP 4601Intelligent Web-based Information Systems00000
COMP 4805Theory of Automata00000
COMP 4905Honours Project00000
COMP 0999COMP Matters00000
COMP 3308Bioinformatics00000
COMP 1601Introduction to Mobile Application Development00000
COMP 1910Internship00000
COMP 3005Database Management Systems00000
COMP 3009Computer Graphics00000
COMP 3400Computational Logic and Automated Reasoning00000
COMP 3106Introduction to Artificial Intelligence00000
COMP 3910Internship00000
COMP 4001Distributed Computing00000
COMP 3203Principles of Computer Networks00000
COMP 2910Internship00000
COMP 2501Computer Game Design and Development00000
COMP 1911Internship00000
COMP 1501Introduction to Computer Game Design00000
COMP 6908Doctoral Proposal00000
COMP 6902Graduate Project (Ph.D.)00000
COMP 6605Advanced Topics in Computer Systems00000
COMP 6601Advanced Topics In The Theory Of Computing00000
COMP 5903Graduate Project (M.C.S.)00000
COMP 5805Applications Of Combinatorial Optimization00000
COMP 5707Principles Of Formal Software Development00000
COMP 5606Princ. Of Distributing Simula00000
COMP 5408Advanced Data Structures00000
COMP 5405Systems and Architectures for Electronic Commerce00000