ENGL 110
Introduction to Academic Writing
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Prof: Helen Brew / Spring 2021
Jul 26, 2022
During this course we didn’t focus on specific books or pieces for too long. We jumped around and did plenty of different activities and assignments including the occasional essay. There’s a lot of group discussions involved in this course especially with it being online. So if you didn’t do the work someone is going to know, do yourself a favor and do the readings/assignments!
Like I mentioned before there wasn’t a set topic we focused on during this course. We did a lot of readings from different resources and even watched different videos and movies to write about or discuss. We used a lot of outside resources.
Professor Brew was great. This course was online so I didn’t fully get to interact with Professor Brew but from what I experienced she was awesome. She’s very interesting and very funny, she makes every class less boring with her outgoing personality. She’s easy on grading and cares about her students.
This class is a GENED requirement for most students, so there isn’t much you can avoid but just beware that there is a lot of reading and writing involved in this course. Make sure you’re doing the work and it’ll pay off in the end.
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