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CofC Course Reviews

College of Charleston

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ENGL 110Introduction to Academic Writing55321
ENGL 900Continuous Research Enrollment00000
ENGL 343American Renaissance00000
ENGL 336Women Writers00000
ENGL 326Irish Literature00000
ENGL 322Writing across Contexts00000
ENGL 318The Eighteenth Century00000
ENGL 315Black Women Writers00000
ENGL 309English Language: Grammar and History00000
ENGL 302Shakespeare00000
ENGL 299Introduction to English Studies00000
ENGL 233Survey of Non-Western Twentieth Century Literature00000
ENGL 223Fiction Writing I00000
ENGL 215Interdisciplinary Composition00000
ENGL 202British Literature since 180000000
ENGL 191Introduction to Jewish-American Literature00000
ENGL 347Writing the Novel00000
ENGL 706Publishing Practicum00000
ENGL 705Seminar in American Literature: War, Gender, and Domesticity...00000
ENGL 702Honors 110: Academic Writing00000
ENGL 700(Citadel ENGL 700) Seminar: Feminist Dystopian Literature00000
ENGL 521(Citadel ENGL 521) A Survey of World Literature II00000
ENGL 511Introduction to Graduate English Studies00000
ENGL 504Poetry & Prose Of Engl Renais00000
ENGL 499An Objective History of Students' Activism at the College of...00000
ENGL 496Teaching The Works Of Eudora Welty00000
ENGL 475Capstone: Beyond the English Major00000
ENGL 463Sen Sem:Lit in Hist 1900-Pres: Literature and Film of the Vi...00000
ENGL 404Writing and Literacy00000
ENGL 399The Afterlives of Paradise Lost00000
ENGL 380The Literary Magazine, Publishing, and Editing00000
ENGL 506Restoration & 18Th Cent Drama00000
ENGL 708MFA Thesis00000
ENGL 704(Citadel ENGL 704) Seminar in British Literature After 1800:...00000
ENGL 701Equalizing Gender and Sexuality: Gender and Sexual Politics...00000
ENGL 699Workshop In Fiction00000
ENGL 576ST: Native America00000
ENGL 574ST: Medieval Feminism00000
ENGL 568Reading for Writers00000
ENGL 566Elements of Craft and Form in Poetry00000
ENGL 564MFA Workshop in Poetry00000
ENGL 560(Citadel ENGL 560) Film Studies00000
ENGL 555(Citadel ENGL 555) Literary Criticism00000
ENGL 550(Citadel ENGL 564) Teaching with Technology00000
ENGL 529(Citadel ENGL 529) American Fiction Since 194500000
ENGL 525Eighteenth-Century British Novel00000
ENGL 512(Citadel ENGL 512) Southern Literature00000
ENGL 370ST: American Realism00000
ENGL 499BDay's Deep Midnight: John Donne and the Aesthetics of Obscur...00000
ENGL 498Eportfolio Workshop00000
ENGL 490Senior Seminar In Film00000
ENGL 466Advanced Study in Writing, Rhetoric, and Publication: Making...00000
ENGL 450Senior Seminar in Major Authors00000
ENGL 402Advanced Workshop in Poetry Writing00000
ENGL 390Special Topics in Film00000
ENGL 377Poetry Writing II00000
ENGL 373Reading for Writers00000
ENGL 368Short-Short Fiction00000
ENGL 365ST: Representing the Holocaust in Literature and Film00000
ENGL 362ST: Assimiliation and Alienation00000
ENGL 359American Poetry Since 194500000
ENGL 351Studies in American Film00000
ENGL 360ST: Charleston Writers00000
ENGL 526Victorian Novel00000
ENGL 517(Citadel ENGL 517) ST: Literature of War00000
ENGL 509Romantic Literature00000
ENGL 502ST: Shakespeare00000
ENGL 499AI "Accept Chaos". The Perils of Existence According to Bob D...00000
ENGL 495Field Internship00000
ENGL 470Senior Sem In Major Lit Genres00000
ENGL 462Sen Sem: Romanticism and the Body00000
ENGL 403Advanced Workshop in Fiction Writing00000
ENGL 395ST: Hybrid Forms00000
ENGL 378Fiction Writing II00000
ENGL 372Rhetoric in a Digital Age00000
ENGL 369Writing for the Web00000
ENGL 366ST: Write Like a Roman! Classical Rhetoric for Todays Writer...00000
ENGL 363ST: Women Writers 1900-present00000
ENGL 535(Citadel ENGL 535) African American Literature00000
ENGL 352Major African Writers00000
ENGL 349American Novel to 190000000
ENGL 342Literature of the American Revolution and Early Republic00000
ENGL 334Technical Writing00000
ENGL 323The Victorian Period00000
ENGL 320Young Adult Literature00000
ENGL 316Writing and Literacy00000
ENGL 310Theories of Teaching Writing00000
ENGL 305Advanced Writing00000
ENGL 290ST: Medieval Feminism00000
ENGL 234Survey of Third-World Masterpieces00000
ENGL 225Introduction to Writing Studies00000
ENGL 216Intro To African American Lit00000
ENGL 207Survey of American Literature to the Present00000
ENGL 306Milton00000
ENGL 190ST: The Western in Film and Literature00000
ENGL 367Creative Nonfiction00000
ENGL 364ST: Nineteenth-Century African American Novel00000
ENGL 361ST: Literature and Consent in Renaissance England00000
ENGL 356American Novel, 1900-196500000
ENGL 353African Women Writers00000
ENGL 350ST: Mark Twain00000
ENGL 346Contemporary American Fiction00000
ENGL 341Lit of Amer South,1900-Present00000
ENGL 328British Novel II00000
ENGL 325Modern British Literature00000
ENGL 321The Romantic Period00000
ENGL 317The Seventeenth Century00000
ENGL 313African American Literature00000
ENGL 375Studies in Creative Writing: Extra/Ordinary: Writing Surreal...00000
ENGL 300ST: King Arthur and the Arthurverse00000
ENGL 241Studying Southern Cultures and Literature00000
ENGL 226Survey of World Literature00000
ENGL 220Poetry Writing I00000
ENGL 212The Cinema: History and Criticism00000
ENGL 201British Literature to 180000000
ENGL 698Preventing and Creating the Disabled: A Study in Mid-Late Vi...00000
ENGL 575ST: Joyce and Yeats00000
ENGL 569Special Topics in Creative Writing00000
ENGL 567Elements of Craft and Form in Fiction00000
ENGL 565MFA Workshop in Fiction00000
ENGL 562(Citadel ENGL 562) Workshop in Advanced Composition00000
ENGL 556Theory & Pract Of Tchng Comp00000
ENGL 552(Citadel ENGL 552) Adolescent Literature00000