SPAN 190
Elementary Spanish through Culture I
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Prof: Devon Hanahan / Spring 2022
Jul 26, 2022
The course itself isn’t bad. You’re continuing on with the chapters in the book provided in SPAN101 and doing homework on VHL as usual. There is a lot of information on things such as the preterit, past tense, etc
Professor Hanahan is amazing and the best Span Professor I’ve had at the college so far. She’s very personable and wants the best for all of her students. If you show up to class, do your work and make an effort you won’t fail this course. Professor Hanahan gives her students plenty of opportunities to help themselves throughout the course and always offers additional help outside of class. If you’re in need of help, don’t hesitate to reach out to her. She even creates her own quizlets for the students to study from!
Don’t slack off in the beginning just because you want to get your Spanish out of the way. Enjoy this semester with this professor and take your time. You may end up enjoying it.
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