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CofC Course Reviews

College of Charleston

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
SPAN 190Elementary Spanish through Culture I43551
SPAN 313Writing Skills through Culture00000
SPAN 443Morphology and Syntax00000
SPAN 447Spanish Dialectology00000
SPAN 490ST: The Spanish Main: Seafaring, Piracy, and Plunder in Spai...00000
SPAN 493Seminar in Spanish Literature: Golden Age Theatre00000
SPAN 495Senior Capstone00000
SPAN 498Traces of Lunfardo in Current Day Argentine Spanish00000
SPAN 499Encouraging Multilinguilism in South Carolina00000
SPAN 624US Latinos/as Literatures and Cultures00000
SPAN 101CBeginning Spanish through Culture I Conversation Supplement00000
SPAN 200CElementary Spanish through Culture II Conversation Supplemen...00000
SPAN 202Intermediate Spanish through Culture00000
SPAN 275Comprehensive Skills Review of Spanish through Culture00000
SPAN 401Internship00000
SPAN 317Introduction to Spanish for Business00000
SPAN 320Introduction to Textual Analysis00000
SPAN 344Advanced Grammar and Lexicon00000
SPAN 367ST: El concepto del amor en la literatura medieval y aurisec...00000
SPAN 390ST: Sustainability & Environmental Health in Spanish-Speakin...00000
SPAN 418Advanced Spanish for Business Communication00000
SPAN 446History of the Spanish Language00000
SPAN 448Spanish Sociolinguistics00000
SPAN 491ST: Exploring Spanish and Second Language Learning00000
SPAN 494ST: Cuerpo y poesía latinoamericana: vanguardia, neobarroco...00000
SPAN 499ARepresentations of the Female Mexican Subject in Contemporar...00000
SPAN 614Topics In Spanish Culture & Ci00000
SPAN 630Sem. in Spanish America Lit.: Sea Anemone, Roach-Men and Hur...00000
SPAN 499BLenguaje Inclusive: Buscando algo más del binario00000
SPAN 190CElementary Spanish through Culture I Conversation Supplement00000
SPAN 201Beginning Spanish through Culture III00000
SPAN 202CIntermediate Spanish through Culture Conversation Supplement00000
SPAN 275CComprehensive Skills Review of Spanish through Culture Conve...00000
SPAN 314Conversational Skills through Culture00000
SPAN 328Spanish Language Study Abroad00000
SPAN 350Intensive Writing and Conversational Skills through Culture00000
SPAN 381Introduction to Spanish Linguistics00000
SPAN 400Service Learning00000
SPAN 445Spanish Phonetics and Phonology00000
SPAN 450Spanish in the US00000
SPAN 492Seminar in Hispanic Studies: Literatura y Cultura Chicana-La...00000
SPAN 496"Deviant" Women in Spanish Golden Age Letters and Society00000
SPAN 102Beginning Spanish through Culture II00000
SPAN 615ST: Visions of Desire and Struggle: Latin America and the Un...00000
SPAN 682Spanish Oral Proficiency00000
SPAN 101Beginning Spanish through Culture I00000
SPAN 102CBeginning Spanish through Culture II Conversation Supplement00000
SPAN 200Elementary Spanish through Culture II00000
SPAN 201CBeginning Spanish through Culture Conversation Supplement II...00000
SPAN 250Intensive Intermediate Spanish00000
SPAN 312Spanish as a Heritage Language00000
SPAN 316Applied Spanish00000
SPAN 318Spanish for International Business00000
SPAN 333Topics in Hispanic Cultures: Popular Culture & Gender in the...00000
SPAN 366ST: Cine y literatura hispanoamericano00000
SPAN 382Speaking Strategies00000