Professor Ben Trnka Reviews
Class Ratings
Professor Rating
Prof: Ben Trnka / Fall 2019
Dec 6, 2022
The course will either be easy or challenging depending on whether or not you have had accounting experience from high school, if you can learn at a fast pace, and if you are good with math or Excel.
Exam and Quiz heavy: 3 Exams (15% each), 1 Final (25%), Chapter Quizzes (10%), other items 20% Classes consist of going over the assigned HW and then doing in-class problems The course is useful as an accounting major but there is not much value beyond that unless you are interested in general business.
Trnka teaches fast and has high expectations, but he is the best prof I have ever had. He brings energy and humor to each class session, and he really takes time to get to know you on an individual basis.
You will have to work hard in this class in order to be successful. This involves developing good study habits, doing all practice problems, and getting help from profs/TAs when needed.