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CSUS Course Reviews

California State University, Sacramento

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
SOC 125Social Inequalities55441
SOC 134Sociology of Film55551
SOC 226Sociology of Gender00000
SOC 120Ethnic and Race Relations00000
SOC 106Births, Deaths And Borders00000
SOC 101Introduction to Statistics for Sociologists00000
SOC 5Exploring Issues Facing Contemporary Families00000
SOC 599Culminating Exp/Cont Enrollmen00000
SOC 295Internship and Fieldwork00000
SOC 240Seminar: Sociological Theory00000
SOC 169Changing American Family00000
SOC 215Data Analysis00000
SOC 200AOrientation to Graduate Studies in Sociology00000
SOC 199Individual Study Projects00000
SOC 194Special Topics in Sociology00000
SOC 192Sociological Theory00000
SOC 156Delinquency00000
SOC 127Men, Masculinity and Society00000
SOC 133Sport in a Global Perspective00000
SOC 136Social Movements00000
SOC 144Sociology Of Health And Illness00000
SOC 158Sociology of Deviance00000
SOC 164Sociology of Globalization00000
SOC 168Self and Society00000
SOC 171Sociology of Religion00000
SOC 193AMentoring in Sociology00000
SOC 198Linking Statistics Education and Practice00000
SOC 200BThesis Prospectus/Project Preparation Seminar00000
SOC 220Seminar: Social Change00000
SOC 235Social Psychology00000
SOC 265Race and Ethnic Relations00000
SOC 299Special Problems00000
SOC 214Research Methods00000
SOC 10Issues in Crime and Social Control00000
SOC 102Research Methods in Sociology00000
SOC 118Chicano Community00000
SOC 123Black Studies in Sociology00000
SOC 126Sociology of Gender00000
SOC 130Political Sociology00000
SOC 135Sociology of Popular Culture00000
SOC 140Sociology of Education00000
SOC 155Criminology00000
SOC 162Middle Eastern Societies and Culture00000
SOC 166The Family00000
SOC 170Sociology of Children and Adolescents00000
SOC 193BPeer Mentoring in Sociology00000
SOC 195Internship and Fieldwork00000
SOC 200Orientation and Writing for Sociological Graduate Studies00000
SOC 163Conflict, Oil and Development in the Middle East00000
SOC 225Social Stratification00000
SOC 238Environmental Sociology00000
SOC 294Special Topics in Sociology00000
SOC 500Culminating Experience00000
SOC 1Principles of Sociology00000
SOC 8Sense and Nonsense in Social Issues and Research00000
SOC 101XCollaborative Practice for SOC 10100000
SOC 110Urban Life and Problems00000
SOC 122Immigration Studies00000
SOC 124Social Justice in Interdisciplinary Perspective00000
SOC 128Sociology Of Sexuality00000
SOC 138Environmental Sociology00000
SOC 150Social Psychology00000
SOC 3Social Problems00000