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Professor Clint Collins Reviews


Class Ratings

5Amazing Class
3Avg. Difficulty
5Very Interesting
5Very Useful

Prof: Clint Collins / Fall 2019

Dec 4, 2021

Comments on the course

The studying is a lot but he assigns work once every blue moon

Course Content

Anatomy. Just memorization of parts

Comments on the professor

Has a thick country accent. Handwriting is alright. Does not use power points. Instead he takes notes with us. Super nice dude. I love his random facts he tells.


I recommend going to the library and checking out the models to study since the practicals are all models. 3 lecture exam, a final, and 3 lab practicals. This class is super fast pace, so try to keep it light when taking this course. Highly recommend attending open lab. It’s a life saver.

Course: BIO 22Delivery: In personGrade: BWorkload: ModerateTextbook Use: Yes
Exam Heavy