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FAU Course Reviews

Florida Atlantic University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 2400CPrintmaking 1433.542
BUL 4422Business Law 253551
BME 6905Directed Independent Study00000
ARC 3503Architectural Structures 200000
BSC 6975Master's Defense Seminar00000
ART 5930CDirected Area Studies Art00000
ANT 4413Anthropol of Sex and Gender00000
BSC 4434CConcepts in Bioinformatics00000
AMH 6939Urban Politics 1950-202100000
ARC 5910Project Research Methods00000
AML 4640American-Indian LIterature00000
ARH 4153The Impact of Pompeii00000
ART 4712CAdvanced Sculpture00000
ANT 3312Native-Amer Culture & Society00000
ASH 4603Zen and Buddhism00000
AMH 4150The Age of Jefferson & Jackson00000
BSC 1005LLife Science Lab00000
APK 4134Exercise Physiology 200000
BSC 6846Scientific Communication00000
ACG 7415Sem Acctg Info Systems00000
CAP 5768Intro to Data Science00000
AML 4213Colonial & Early American Lit00000
ARE 6342Art Ed in Sec School00000
ADE 6265Organ & Admin Adult Com Ed00000
ARH 4794Museum Studies & Gallery Prac00000
AMS 4333Honors Consumerism In The U.S.00000
ART 1014Honors Elements Vis Thinking00000
ART 3764CCeramics Handbuilding 100000
ANT 1930Honors Culture And Society00000
ART 4915Honors Dir Ind Res in Art00000
AMH 3372History of American Technology00000
ART 6932Design Seminar00000
ANT 4006Human and Cultural Rights00000
BCH 4035Advanced Biochemistry00000
ACG 6315Adv Analysis/Appl Of Acct Data00000
BOT 4503Principles of Plant Physiology00000
ANT 4917Directed Independent Research00000
BSC 3052Conservation Biology00000
AMH 4460Urban Hist of United States00000
BSC 4970RI: Honors Thesis in Biology00000
ARC 2303Architectural Design 300000
BSC 6946PSM Bus Biotech Sci Intrnshp00000
ACG 5205Advanced Accounting 100000
CAP 2753Exper Design Data Analysis00000
ARC 4620Environmental Technology 200000
CAP 6018Multimedia Programming00000
ACG 7916Qualifying Research Project00000
ARE 4313Art: Elementary School00000
AML 4321Major American Writers-20th C00000
ARH 2701Honors Still Img/Moving Image00000
ACG 5505Gov Not for Profit Acct Theory00000
ARH 4450Modern Art: 1863 to 194500000
AML 690520th Century Af Am Lit00000
ARH 4957Art History Study Abroad00000
ADE 6774Asses Plan Sustnbl Geospa Tech00000
ART 1661CHonors Digital Art Photography00000
ANG 6084Sem Anthropological Theory 200000
ART 2540CHonors Watercolor00000
ART 3646CHonors Animate Graphic Novel00000
ANG 6905Directed Independent Study00000
ART 4531CRI: Advanced Painting00000
AFR 4201Natl Sec Lead Resp Preparatn 100000
ART 4785CRI: Ceramics: Clay and Glazes00000
ANT 3163The Maya and Their Neighbors00000
ART 4954Senior Seminar for B.A.00000
ACG 6135Advanced Accounting Theory00000
ART 6905Dir In Study in Graphic Design00000
ANT 3391Anth Film:Intro/Visual Anth00000
ASH 4210The Crusades00000
AMH 3530Hist Amer Immigra & Ethnicity00000
AST 3110Solar System Astronomy00000
ANT 4274The Anthropology of Politics00000
BME 6105Biomaterials00000
ACG 4901Directed Independent Study00000
BMS 6601Fundmntl Genrl Pathology00000
ANT 4469Culture, Gender and Health00000
BOT 5582Advanced Plant Cell Biology00000
AMH 4302Amer Material Cultr to 186000000
BSC 2085LAnatomy & Physiology 1 Lab00000
ANT 4972Honors Thesis in Anthropology00000
BSC 4307Climate Change Biology00000
ACG 6625IT Auditing00000
BSC 4915Honors Dir Ind Res in Biology00000
ARA 2221Intermed Arabic Lang/Cult 200000
BSC 6408LLab Methods in Biotechnology00000
AMH 4694America and the Sea00000
BSC 6917Dir Ind Res Biol Sciences00000
ARC 3185CIntro to Dig Model/Document00000
ACG 3341Cost Accounting00000
BUL 4930Contemporary Entertainment Law00000
ARC 4322Vertical Studio00000
CAP 4613Intro to Deep Learning00000
AML 3111American Novel: 19Th Century00000
ART 2754CCeramics Handbuilding 100000
ARC 5271Professional Practice A00000
ACG 2021Principles of Accounting 100000
ACG 4401Accounting Info Systems 100000
ACG 5677Internal Auditing00000
AFR 1121Heritage and Values of USAF 200000
ANG 6199Research Methods Archaeology00000