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FAU Course Reviews

Florida Atlantic University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 2400CPrintmaking 1433.542
ART 6971CDesign Thesis00000
ART 3522CAbstract Painting and Drawing00000
ART 3277CHonors Intro Botanic Art Illus00000
ART 2754CCeramics Handbuilding 100000
ART 2701CSculpture 100000
ART 2540CHonors Watercolor00000
ART 1300CDrawing Foundations00000
ART 1201C2D Art Foundations00000
ART 3646CHonors Animate Graphic Novel00000
ART 6931Design Studio00000
ART 6905Dir In Study in Graphic Design00000
ART 6684Exht Prct Film/Video/New Media00000
ART 4970CRI: Honors Thesis in Art00000
ART 4934CHonors Painting as Narrative00000
ART 4916Hon. Dir Ind Res in Art00000
ART 4906CDirected Independent Study00000
ART 4785CRI: Ceramics: Clay and Glazes00000
ART 4915Honors Dir Ind Res in Art00000
ART 6972CGraduate Thesis Exhibition00000
ART 6932Design Seminar00000
ART 6907CGraduate Directed Study00000
ART 6816Professional Practices00000
ART 5930CDirected Area Studies Art00000
ART 4957Art Stdy Abrd00000
ART 4954Senior Seminar for B.A.00000
ART 4932CArt Journaling00000
ART 4732CTopics Sculpture00000
ART 4905CHon Intermed Prgrmmng for Art00000
ART 4782CRI: Advanced Ceramics00000
ART 4712CAdvanced Sculpture00000
ART 4653CHonors 3D Computer Game Devel00000
ART 4405CTopics Printmaking00000
ART 3840CHonors Environmental Art00000
ART 3761CCeramics Handbuilding 200000
ART 4173Handmade Books: Struc and Bind00000
ART 5790CAdvanced Ceramics00000
ART 4955CRI: BFA Senior Seminar00000
ART 4930CCeramics: Personal Exploration00000
ART 4912CHonors Thesis Research in Art00000
ART 4854CHonors The Body in Art00000
ART 4761CCeramics Intermed Handbldg00000
ART 4658CHonors 2D Comp Game Developmnt00000
ART 4640Honors Game Studies00000
ART 6793CClay and Glaze Science00000
ART 3763CCeramics Wheel Throwing 200000
ART 3657CHon Intro Progrmmng Visual Art00000
ART 3383CNarrative Painting and Drawing00000
ART 3161CAlternative Media00000
ART 2752CCeramics Intermediate Wheel00000
ART 2600CDigital Art Foundations00000
ART 2401CPrintmaking 200000
ART 1661CHonors Digital Art Photography00000
ART 2751CCeramics Wheel Throwing 100000
ART 4654CHon Electronics Objcts for Art00000
ART 4531CRI: Advanced Painting00000
ART 4311CRI: Advanced Drawing00000
ART 3764CCeramics Handbuilding 100000
ART 3710CSculpture 200000
ART 3531CAdvanced Painting00000
ART 3382CHonors Advanced Exp Drawing00000
ART 2952Art Stdy Abrd00000
ART 1202CHonors Design and Color Phenom00000
ART 2500CPainting 100000
ART 2330CDrawing 2: Figure Drawing00000
ART 1203C3D Art Foundations00000
ART 1014Honors Elements Vis Thinking00000
ART 6956CGraduate Documentation00000
ART 6930CTopics in Studio Art00000
ART 6819Graduate Studio00000