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Professor Kwan Eun Choi Reviews


Class Ratings

1Awful Class
1Very Hard
1Very Boring

Professor Rating

1Awful Prof

Prof: Kwan Eun Choi / Fall 2022

Oct 26, 2022

Comments on the course

Very poorly set up. It seems as though the TAs and Professor do not interact with each other much at all. Only grades in class are quizzes and exams. 40% are quizzes which are M and F, and exams are worth 20% each. 2 Midterm, 1 Final. After enough students complaining, he is now only dropping 4 out of the 20+ quizzes he gives, and gives practice quizzes for weeks current chapter. Grade is curved to being. 86% is an A, 52% is a C.

Course Content

Content of this class was him talking about historical quotes and things that are only slightly related to econ, his different vacations he's been on, and oh, bullet trains.

Comments on the professor

The only pro he has is he occasionally says something funny. Cons - Tangents every lecture - Lecture Notes barely align with textbook - Quizzes do not align with stuff he's talked about during class - TAs are not nice at all - Everything is on lockdown browser - Oh, and did I mention bullet trains?


Switch professors if possible. If not possible, try and supplement his lectures with textbook reading as textbook is significantly more helpful than him talking nonsense about bullet trains.

Course: ECON 101Delivery: In personGrade: Rather not sayWorkload: LightTextbook Use: Optional
Quiz HeavyExam Heavy