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Introduction To Computers And Programming

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1Awful Class
1Very Hard
5Very Useful

Professor Rating

2Bad Prof

Prof: Mehmet Dalklic / Fall 2023

Nov 5, 2023

Comments on the course

Ridiculously hard class for the "introduction" class to Python at IU. Unreal workload where they seem to forget the students actually have other classes to worry about. The content is very useful but is taught and setup extremely poorly. Absolute mess with assignments and grading that relies on a horrible; broken "autograder". A 40/75 on the midterm is an A in the class, but the teachers decide to just leave it on Canvas as a 53.3%+ (depending on what you got) so I don't even understand why they phrase it as an A. Also you'd think a midterm where a 40/75 is actually an A you'd want to make changes. One thing that was hilarious this semester was a TA complaining about plagiarism, when students are only taught a select few functions they can use on the assignments. Someone called him out on more

Course Content

The content was very useful. Coding in Python is popular for a reason. It's a lot to take in for an introduction class that requires an unreal amount of your time. The lectures could be interesting with a good professor (I'll get to that).

Comments on the professor

Dr. Dalklic is clearly a smart guy who knows what he's doing, but can't teach a lecture to save his life. He begs students to ask questions, but when they do, he makes them feel like a complete an idiot. He absolutely ***** on "gen-z" and practically calls us idiots the entire time (even though your generation grew us up that way - take some accountability lol). He has a weird distain for people that say "like", so much of the lecture time is him criticizing and trying to fix the way people speak. Also, part of the reason his students don't ask questions is because he flies through his lecture slides not allowing any time to actually take notes. And the slides are FILLED with text. He just puts up a slide completely full of new content for such a short amount of time. He does the same for more


If you want to succeed at the highest level, forget your other classes and your social life because you need to dedicate all your time to this terribly set-up introduction class.

Delivery: In personGrade: BWorkload: Very HeavyTextbook Use: No
Assignment Heavy

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