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IU Course Reviews

Indiana University Bloomington

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CSCIC 241Discrete Structures For Computer Science11.521.52
POLSY 329Racial And Ethnic Politics In The United States24131
CJUSP 300Topics In Criminal Justice55531
GEOGG 208Environment And Society54541
THTRD 456Advanced Jazz Dance53531
MUSZ 101Music For The Listener11111
POLSY 105Introduction To Political Theory23231
SOCS 100Introduction To Sociology55551
CSCIC 200Introduction To Computers And Programming11451
BIOLL 112Foundations Of Biology: Biological Mechanisms44451
ILSZ 115From James Bond To Zombie Apocalypse And Nsa Leaks: Evaluati...45521
CSCIC 343Data Structures43451
AMSTA 100What Is America?43551
BUSC 106Business Presentations-Honors55551
CHEMC 341Organic Chemistry 1 Lectures11111
ASTA 107The Art Of Astronomy: Images Of The Universe11111
AFRIX 390Readings And Research In African Studies00000
AADMY 511Performing Arts Center Management00000
AFRIY 201Intermediate Yoruba I00000
AFRIZ 201Intermediate Zulu I00000
AAADA 427Cross-Cultural Communication00000
AADMY 562Legal Issues In The Arts00000
AMSTA 200Comparative American Identities00000
AMSTE 100American Experience Through The Lens00000
AFRIA 731Seminar On Contemporary Africa00000
AMSTX 390Readings In American Studies00000
AFRIW 102Elementary Wolof II00000
AADMY 500Topics In Arts Administration00000
AFRIX 602Intermediate Wolof00000
AAADA 399Advanced Topics In Arts And Humanities For Aaads00000
AFRIY 601Intermediate Yoruba I00000
AADMY 550Practicum In Arts Administration00000
AFRIZ 601Intermediate Zulu I00000
AAADA 290Sociocultural Perspective Of African American Music00000
AMSTA 299Special Topics In Social And Historical Studies For American...00000
AEROA 301Leading People And Effective Communication I00000
AMSTG 697Research In Transnational American Studies00000
AAADA 493Senior Seminar In African American And African Diaspora Stud...00000
AFRIB 302Advanced Bamana II00000
ANATA 513Intro To Research Techniques00000
ANATA 800Research In Anatomy00000
ANTHA 205Anthropology Today: Topics00000
AAADA 238Communication In Black America00000
AAADA 337Soul Revue: Advanced Studies And Practices00000
AAADA 552History Of The Education Of Black Americans00000
AFRIB 702Advanced Bamana II00000
ANTHA 399Honors Tutorial00000
ANTHA 595Graduate Readings In Anthropology00000
AFRIK 301Advanced Akan I00000
ANTHB 260Biocultural Medical Anthropology00000
ANTHB 340Hormones And Human Behavior00000
AAADA 350Black Atlantic00000
AAADA 561Afro-American Autobiography00000
AFRIK 701Advanced Akan I00000
AFRIL 102Akan Social Life And Cultural Heritage00000
AAADA 590Special Topics In Afro-American Studies00000
AFRIL 231African Civilization00000
AFRIS 701Advanced Swahili I00000
AAADG 901Advanced Research00000
AFRIW 202Intermediate Wolof II00000
AAADA 387Black Migration00000
AFRIX 491Advanced Individual Study Of An African Language00000
AADMY 505Programmng The Performing Arts00000
AFRIX 773Graduate Internship In African Studies00000
AAADA 277Imgs Blacks Films: 1903-1950's00000
AFRIY 302Advanced Yoruba II00000
AADMY 525Museum Management00000
AFRIY 702Advanced Yoruba II00000
AAADA 408Race, Gender And Class00000
AFRIZ 302Advanced Zulu II00000
AADMY 558Fund Development For Nonprofit Organizations00000
AFRIZ 702Advanced Zulu II00000
AAADA 219History Of Black Dance00000
AMSTA 203American Cultures, Global Connectivities00000
AEROA 152Air Force Rotc Leadership Lab (Llab) II00000
AMSTA 350Topics In Interdisciplinary American Studies00000
AAADA 479Contemporary Black Poetry00000
AMSTG 604Perspectives In American Studies00000
AFRIA 500Advanced Topics In African Studies00000
AMSTG 805Phd Thesis00000
AAADA 304Black Paris00000
ANATA 464Human Tissue Biology00000
AFRIB 201Intermediate Bamana I00000
ANATA 561History Of Anatomy00000
AAADA 499Honors Thesis00000
ANTHA 107Becoming Human: Evolving Genes, Bodies, Behaviors, Ideas00000
AFRIB 601Intermediate Bamana I00000
ANTHA 221Anthropology Of Food00000
AAADA 150Survey Of The Culture Of Black Americans00000
ANTHA 521Introduction To College Teaching, Interdisciplinary Approach...00000
AFRIK 102Elementary Akan II00000
ANTHB 111Introduction To Chimpanzee Behavior And Cognition00000
AAADA 556Race And Culture In The African Diaspora00000
AFRIL 250African Expressive Routines00000
AAADA 250U.S. Contemporary Minorities00000
AAADA 355African-American History I00000
AAADA 605Race And The Global City, Part I00000
AFRIL 481African Languages In Social Interactions00000
AFRIR 101Elementary Kinyarwanda I00000
AAADA 620Transforming Divided Communities And Societies00000