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JMU Course Reviews

James Madison University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HIST 150Critical Issues in Recent Global History [C1CT]32441
HIST 540The History Museum00000
HIST 323The Old South00000
HIST 320Women in United States History00000
HIST 313The History of Latinos in the United States00000
HIST 310American Business History00000
HIST 307The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade00000
HIST 303Virginia's Place in #VastEarlyAmerica00000
HIST 300United States Military History00000
HIST 269Premodern Middle East00000
HIST 225United States History [C4AE]00000
HIST 700Thesis Research00000
HIST 673Graduate Research and Writing Seminar00000
HIST 653Patterns Of World History00000
HIST 605Seminar in U.S. History : Recent Period00000
HIST 593Historic Preservation00000
HIST 330United States Diplomatic History00000
HIST 499Honors00000
HIST 490Special Studies00000
HIST 487World War II00000
HIST 478Eastern Europe00000
HIST 471Commemoration and Controversy: Public Art in America00000
HIST 468The Roman Empire00000
HIST 453Patterns Of Global History00000
HIST 447South America00000
HIST 443Modern American Technology and Culture00000
HIST 437Latin America and Latin Americans Through Film: Focus on the...00000
HIST 434Recent America00000
HIST 430The Gilded Age: Untied States History, 1877-190100000
HIST 425Civil War and Reconstruction00000
HIST 411Colonial and Revolutionary North America00000
HIST 407Digital History00000
HIST 436Afro-Latin America00000
HIST 699Thesis Continuance00000
HIST 656The Global Economy And Nationalism00000
HIST 650Seminar in World History00000
HIST 600Seminar In U.S. History - Early Period00000
HIST 590Special Topics In History00000
HIST 525Civil War & Reconstruct00000
HIST 492Material Culture00000
HIST 488The Holocaust In Global Context00000
HIST 485Colonialism In The Middle East And South Asia00000
HIST 473Early Modern Islamic Empires00000
HIST 470Modern Africa00000
HIST 467The Roman Republic00000
HIST 448Gender In Latin America And The Iberian World00000
HIST 444Revolution And Social Change In Latin America00000
HIST 439Selected Topics in American History00000
HIST 399Special Studies in History00000
HIST 433Reform, Upheaval and Reaction: United States History since 1...00000
HIST 428American Workers In The Industrial Age,1877-194800000
HIST 422United States History, 1789-184800000
HIST 408The Museum: History and Controversies00000
HIST 406Monticello00000
HIST 397U.S. Military History00000
HIST 394Introduction to Museum Work00000
HIST 384England & the Empire - Commonwealth00000
HIST 383Early England00000
HIST 378China In The Modern World00000
HIST 372Afghanistan In Regional And Global Systems00000
HIST 362Introduction to United States Religious History00000
HIST 356African American History since 186500000
HIST 341Selected Themes in World History00000
HIST 333Maps, Money, Manufacture and Trade00000
HIST 369Greek History00000
HIST 449Women and Fascism00000
HIST 445A Cultural History Of Latin America, The Caribbean, And The...00000
HIST 440The History Museum00000
HIST 438Workshop in Public and Local History00000
HIST 435History of Immigration to the United States00000
HIST 432Depression, War and Cold War: United States History, 1929-19...00000
HIST 427U.S. Environmental History00000
HIST 413The Anglo-American Constitutional Tradition, 1603-179100000
HIST 409Early Modern Atlantic History00000
HIST 405Travel and Exploration00000
HIST 396Introduction to Public History00000
HIST 388Germany since 187100000
HIST 385The Russian Empire To 188100000
HIST 381Daily Life In Victorian England00000
HIST 373History of the Ottoman Empire, 1453-192200000
HIST 457Comparative Empires00000
HIST 360Research Apprenticeship in History00000
HIST 350Virginia History00000
HIST 340Internship in History00000
HIST 338United States Urban History00000
HIST 331Historical Archaeology00000
HIST 326The Automobile in 20th Century America00000
HIST 321European Women's History00000
HIST 316The Life and Times of James Madison, 1751-183600000
HIST 311China To 160000000
HIST 308Contemporary Italian History and Culture00000
HIST 305History of Science and Christianity00000
HIST 301European Military History00000
HIST 274Modern East Asia00000
HIST 263Africa00000
HIST 201Europe To 181500000
HIST 302Latin American Urban History00000
HIST 395History Seminar00000
HIST 386Russia and the Soviet Union from 1881 to 199100000
HIST 382Europe in the Twentieth Century00000
HIST 377History Of Korea00000
HIST 370Byzantine Empire00000
HIST 361Class And Ethnicity In Africa00000
HIST 355African American History to 186500000
HIST 339Selected Themes in United States History00000
HIST 332History of Twentieth Century Spain00000
HIST 327Technology in America00000
HIST 322The New South00000
HIST 319Women at Work in U.S. History00000
HIST 312Japan Since 160000000
HIST 309French History since 164800000
HIST 306A History of the Body in the West00000
HIST 102World History since 1500 [C2HQC]00000
HIST 270Modern Middle East00000
HIST 239Topics in History00000
HIST 150HCritical Issues in Recent Global History - Honors [C1CT]00000
HIST 101World History to 1500 [C2HQC]00000
HIST 696Introduction To Public History00000
HIST 671Seminar In Historical Research Methods00000
HIST 640Graduate Internship In History00000
HIST 601Workshop in History00000
HIST 592Material Culture00000
HIST 532Depression, War And Cold War: Us History, 1929-196100000
HIST 493Historic Preservation00000
HIST 489Selected Topics in World History00000
HIST 486Europe Since 191400000
HIST 477Medieval Europe00000
HIST 469A History of International Development in the Twentieth Cent...00000