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McGill Course Reviews

McGill University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
SOCI 212International Migration44531
SOCI 312Sociology of Work and Industry00000
SOCI 333Social Stratification00000
SOCI 330Sociological Theory00000
SOCI 321Gender and Work00000
SOCI 230Sociology of Ethnic Relations00000
SOCI 213Deviance00000
SOCI 318Sociology of the Media00000
SOCI 720Reading in Social Theory00000
SOCI 702Ph.D. Proposal Approval00000
SOCI 699Research Paper 400000
SOCI 695M.A. Thesis 600000
SOCI 692M.A. Thesis 300000
SOCI 690M.A. Thesis 100000
SOCI 350Statistics in Social Research00000
SOCI 343Independent Study 200000
SOCI 250Social Problems00000
SOCI 222Urban Sociology00000
SOCI 388Crime00000
SOCI 355Rural Life in a Global Society00000
SOCI 331Population and Environment00000
SOCI 325Sociology of Science00000
SOCI 227Jews in North America00000
SOCI 730Reading and Research00000
SOCI 701Ph.D. Area Examination 200000
SOCI 697Research Paper 200000
SOCI 693M.A. Thesis 400000
SOCI 652Current Sociological Theory00000
SOCI 603Bibliographic Methods 100000
SOCI 545Sociology of Population00000
SOCI 703Bibliographic Methods 300000
SOCI 621Fixed And Random Effects.00000
SOCI 550Developing Societies.00000
SOCI 507Social Change.00000
SOCI 470Topics in Economic Sociology.00000
SOCI 405Families over the Life Course.00000
SOCI 265War, States and Social Change.00000
SOCI 526Indigenous Women's Health and Healthcare00000
SOCI 475Canadian Ethnic Studies Seminar00000
SOCI 461Quantitative Data Analysis00000
SOCI 441Current Problems in Sociology 0300000
SOCI 400Comparative Migration & Citizenship00000
SOCI 305Socialization00000
SOCI 245The Sociology of Emotions00000
SOCI 519Gender and Globalization00000
SOCI 623Latent Variable Models00000
SOCI 601Qualitative Research Methods 200000
SOCI 535Sociology of the Family00000
SOCI 515Medicine and Society00000
SOCI 489Gender, Deviance and Social Control00000
SOCI 442Independent Reading and Research 0100000
SOCI 335Sociology of Aging and the Life Course00000
SOCI 247Family and Modern Society00000
SOCI 600Qualitative Research Methods 100000
SOCI 595Immigration Control and The State00000
SOCI 588Biosociology/Biodemography00000
SOCI 477Qualitative Methods in Sociology00000
SOCI 443Independent Reading and Research 0200000
SOCI 525Health Care Systems in Comparative Perspective.00000
SOCI 375Suspect Minorities in Canada00000
SOCI 342Independent Study 100000
SOCI 309Health and Illness00000
SOCI 235Technology and Society00000
SOCI 211Sociological Inquiry00000
SOCI 590Social Conflict and Violence.00000
SOCI 529Political Sociology 1.00000
SOCI 512Ethnicity & Public Policy.00000
SOCI 488Punishment and Prisons.00000
SOCI 415Education and Inequality.00000
SOCI 390Gender and Health.00000
SOCI 326Political Sociology 01.00000
SOCI 307Globalization.00000
SOCI 602Comparative-Historical Methods.00000
SOCI 420Organizations00000
SOCI 502Sociology of Fertility.00000
SOCI 495Social Problems and Conflicts.00000
SOCI 440Current Problems.00000
SOCI 385Sociology of Human Sexuality.00000
SOCI 365Health and Development.00000
SOCI 225Medicine And Health In Modern Society.00000
SOCI 622Event History Analysis.00000
SOCI 555Comparative Historical Sociology.00000
SOCI 514Criminology.00000
SOCI 501Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy.00000
SOCI 445Readings: Sociological Theory.00000
SOCI 410Urban Ethnography.00000
SOCI 366Neighborhoods and Inequality .00000
SOCI 254Development and Underdevelopment00000
SOCI 499Internship: Sociology00000
SOCI 446Colonialism and Society00000
SOCI 424Networks and Social Structures00000
SOCI 370Sociology: Gender and Development00000
SOCI 341Current Problems in Sociology 0200000
SOCI 304Sociology of the Welfare State00000
SOCI 234Population and Society00000
SOCI 210Sociological Perspectives00000
SOCI 626Demographic Methods00000
SOCI 625D2Professional Development Seminar in Sociology00000
SOCI 620Quantitative Methods 200000
SOCI 386Contemporary Social Movements00000
SOCI 255Gender and the State00000
SOCI 310Sociology of Mental Disorder.00000
SOCI 270Sociology of Gender00000
SOCI 704Bibliographic Methods 400000
SOCI 700Ph.D. Area Examination 100000
SOCI 696Research Paper 100000
SOCI 694M.A. Thesis 500000
SOCI 691M.A. Thesis 200000
SOCI 625D1Professional Development Seminar in Sociology00000
SOCI 604Bibliographic Methods 200000
SOCI 580Social Research Design and Practice00000
SOCI 520Migration and Immigrant Groups00000
SOCI 504Quantitative Methods 100000
SOCI 480Honours Project00000
SOCI 430Sociology of Citizenship00000