An Introduction to Sociology
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Prof: Samuel / Fall 2024
Mar 4, 2025
I enjoyed it, just not the prof
Course is good for any social science, pretty self-explanatory. Very introductory. If you know the theories and how they apply to whatever is discussion you'll be fine.
Prof was fine, I fell asleep a lot because she's very mellow dramatic and just not super entertaining. She mostly would read off the textbook and just bullet point her slides.
READ THE TEXTBOOK. I did the first 3 tests only lecture alone and didn't open the textbook and got between 70-78. Last test I missed a lot of lectures and just read the textbook and got 85. So while you don't need it, I suggest it.
Class Ratings
Professor Rating
Prof: Sandra Colavecchia / Fall 2024
Jan 15, 2025
Tutorials were optional, I did not attend them with the exception of the first one.
Didn’t like her lecture/teaching style, but she was very communicative and supportive.
Quizzes and Tests are textbook heavy, papers are easy to lvl 12 (highest paper mark was a 98)
Class Ratings
Prof: Samuel / Winter 2021
Sep 2, 2021
A bird course that requires a little bit more effort. The tests and content aren’t hard but there is a lot of content. The tests are fair and straightforward. The essays are difficult but there are a lot of question to pick from but it is hard to get marks. The textbook quizzes were annoying because many people kept forgetting about them or didn’t complete the whole quiz because the questions were hidden in the textbook, but the questions themselves weren’t hard and you get 3 tries per question. All you need is a 50% to get the mark.
Really long lectures and she talks too slow. Overall she makes good lectures that are detailed and she is useful if you need help for the essays.
Textbook is necessary. Questions from the textbook pop up on the tests and are needed for the essays.
Class Ratings
Prof: Samuel / Winter 2021
Aug 24, 2021
prof was really nice, workload wasn't too bad. Very self directed learning (online)
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