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McMaster Course Reviews

McMaster University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
SOCIOL 1Z03An Introduction to Sociology3.33.53.834
SOCIOL 2DD3Immigration and the Canadian Mosaic1.532.52.52
SOCIOL 2GG3Sociology of Education44421
SOCIOL 2KK3Introduction to Classical Sociological Theory32321
SOCIOL 3NN3Popular Culture and Inequality11111
SOCIOL 3O03Qualitative Research Methods00000
SOCIOL 4N03Directed Research II for Honours Students00000
SOCIOL 4LL3Selected Topics in the Sociology of Immigration00000
SOCIOL 4GG3Special Topics in the Sociology of Deviance00000
SOCIOL 4DD3Social Movements and Social Change00000
SOCIOL 4AA3Selected Topics in the Sociology of the Family00000
SOCIOL 3X03Sociology of Aging00000
SOCIOL 3QQ3Sociology Students and the Work World00000
SOCIOL 4XX3Sociology of At-Risk Youth00000
SOCIOL 3K03Special Topics in Sociological Analysis II00000
SOCIOL 3G03Sociology of Health Care00000
SOCIOL 3B03Selected Topics in the Sociology of Education00000
SOCIOL 2TT3Environmental Sociology00000
SOCIOL 2RR3Case Studies of Social Inequality00000
SOCIOL 2LL3Introduction to Contemporary Sociological Theory00000
SOCIOL 2I03Sociology of Organizations00000
SOCIOL 4V03Issues in the Sociology of Occupations and the Professions00000
SOCIOL 3J03Special Topics in Sociological Analysis I00000
SOCIOL 4R03Individual and Society00000
SOCIOL 4MM3Public Social Psychology00000
SOCIOL 4K03Selected Topics in Sociology II00000
SOCIOL 4FF3Applications of Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences00000
SOCIOL 4BB3Selected Topics in the Sociology of Education00000
SOCIOL 3YY3Sociology of Globalization00000
SOCIOL 3U03Sociology of Sexualities00000
SOCIOL 3RR3Imprisonment00000
SOCIOL 4RR3Indigenous Peoples and Canada00000
SOCIOL 3D03Special Topics in the Sociology of the Family00000
SOCIOL 3A03Advanced Analysis of Classical Sociological Theory00000
SOCIOL 2TA3Islam In North America00000
SOCIOL 2QQ3Dynamics and Transitions in Intimate Relationships and Families00000
SOCIOL 2CC3Constructing Deviance00000
SOCIOL 4SS3The Sociology of the 1960s00000
SOCIOL 4U03Special Topics in the Sociology of Women00000
SOCIOL 3KK3Genocide: Sociological and Political Perspectives00000
SOCIOL 2BB3Sociology of Deviance00000
SOCIOL 4W03Social Problems00000
SOCIOL 4TT3The Sociology of Mass Media00000
SOCIOL 4QQ3Women, Sexuality and the Welfare State00000
SOCIOL 4M03Directed Research I for Honours Students00000
SOCIOL 4J03Selected Topics in Sociology I00000
SOCIOL 4EE3Selected Topics in the Sociology of Culture00000
SOCIOL 4A03Ethnic/Racial Tensions00000
SOCIOL 3SS3Sociology of Judgement00000
SOCIOL 2FF3The Sociology of ‘Race’ and Ethnicity00000
SOCIOL 3HH3Sociology of Health00000
SOCIOL 3FF3Introductory Statistics for Sociology00000
SOCIOL 3AC3Sociology of Sexualities00000
SOCIOL 2UU3Indigenous Ontologies and Ways of Knowing00000
SOCIOL 2SS3Sociology of Work and Occupations00000
SOCIOL 2PP3Sociology of Families00000
SOCIOL 2HH3Sociology of Gender00000
SOCIOL 2EE3Introduction to Indigenous-Settler Relations in Canada00000
SOCIOL 3P03Advanced Analysis of Contemporary Sociological Theory00000
SOCIOL 4UU3Global Family and Sexual Politics00000
SOCIOL 4SR3Topics in the Sociology of Religion00000
SOCIOL 4MM6 A/B SDirected Research for Honours Students00000
SOCIOL 4KK3Sociology through Community Engagement and Service00000
SOCIOL 4G03Advanced Topics in the Sociology of Health and Illness00000
SOCIOL 4E03Self and Identity00000
SOCIOL 3Z03Ethnic Relations00000
SOCIOL 3W03Historical Methods in Sociology00000
SOCIOL 1C03Canadian Society: Social Problems, Social Policy, and the Law00000
SOCIOL 3MM3Political Sociology00000
SOCIOL 3GG3Special Topics in the Sociology of Deviance00000
SOCIOL 3CC3Sociology of the Family and the Life Cycle00000
SOCIOL 2Z03Introduction to Sociological Research00000
SOCIOL 2T03Sociology of Sport00000
SOCIOL 2R03Perspectives on Social Inequality00000
SOCIOL 2L03Media Institutions00000
SOCIOL 2JJ3Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality00000