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McMaster Course Reviews

McMaster University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANTHROP 1AA3Introduction to Anthropology: Sex, Food and Death2.
ANTHROP 2WA3Neanderthals to Pyramids: Introduction to World Archaeology12.3113
ANTHROP 2AN3The Anthropology of Food and Nutrition13111
ANTHROP 2F03Listening across Difference: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology33331
ANTHROP 3G03Comparative Mythology21311
ANTHROP 2FF3Human Skeletal Biology and Bioarchaeology00000
ANTHROP 3FA3Forensic Anthropology00000
ANTHROP 3EM3Current Debates in Eastern Mediterranean Prehistory00000
ANTHROP 3E03Special Topics in Archaeology I00000
ANTHROP 3CC6Archaeological Field School00000
ANTHROP 3C03Health and Environment: Anthropological Approaches00000
ANTHROP 3BD3The Black Death00000
ANTHROP 3BA3Special Topics in Biological Anthropology00000
ANTHROP 3AR3Culture and Religion00000
ANTHROP 2C03Archaeology of Environmental Crisis and Response00000
ANTHROP 2U03Plagues and People00000
ANTHROP 2R03Religion, Magic and Witchcraft00000
ANTHROP 2O03Themes in the Archaeological History of North America00000
ANTHROP 2HE3Heritage, Economy, and Ethics00000
ANTHROP 2MA3Media, Art and Anthropology00000
ANTHROP 2E03Introduction to Biological Anthropology00000
ANTHROP 2D03DNA Meets Anthropology00000
ANTHROP 2PC3Aliens, Curses and Nazis: Archaeology and Hollywood00000
ANTHROP 4AH3Archaeology and Heritage: Ethics, Politics, and Practice00000
ANTHROP 4S03The Anthropology of Infectious Disease00000
ANTHROP 4JJ3Advanced Topics in Biological Anthropology II00000
ANTHROP 4HF3Archaeology of Hunter-Fisher-Gatherers00000
ANTHROP 4GG3Independent Research II00000
ANTHROP 4E03Advanced Topics in Archaeology I00000
ANTHROP 4DD3Anthropology of Zombies and the Undead00000
ANTHROP 4CP3Cultural Politics of Food and Eating00000
ANTHROP 4BB3Current Problems in Cultural Anthropology II00000
ANTHROP 1AB3Introduction to Anthropology: Race, Religion, and Conflict00000
ANTHROP 3Y03Indigenous Community Health and Wellbeing00000
ANTHROP 3W03Special Topics in Anthropology00000
ANTHROP 3PP3Paleopathology00000
ANTHROP 3PA3Haudenosaunee Health, Diet and Traditional Botany00000
ANTHROP 3LL3Of Beauty and Violence00000
ANTHROP 3IS3Independent Study in Anthropology00000
ANTHROP 3HI3Medical Anthropology00000
ANTHROP 3GH3Interdisciplinary Global Health Field Course: Maternal and Infant Health in Morocco00000
ANTHROP 4SG3The Secret of the Gift00000
ANTHROP 3F03Anthropology and the ‘Other’00000
ANTHROP 3EE3Special Topics in Archaeology II00000
ANTHROP 3DD3Archaeology of Death00000
ANTHROP 3CA3Ceramic Analysis00000
ANTHROP 3BF3Bioarchaeological Field School00000
ANTHROP 3BB3Ancient Agriculture to Criminal Investigations: Paleoethnobotany in Practice00000
ANTHROP 3AS3Archaeology and Society00000
ANTHROP 2RP3Religion and Power in the Past00000
ANTHROP 2PA3Introduction to Anthropological Archaeology00000
ANTHROP 3FF3Key Debates In Andean Archaeology00000
ANTHROP 4KK3The Archaeology of Neanderthals and Other Early Humans00000
ANTHROP 4J03Advanced Topics in Biological Anthropology I00000
ANTHROP 4GS3Genetics and Society00000
ANTHROP 4FF3Digging the City: The Archaeology of Urbanism00000
ANTHROP 2HH3Science, Technology & Society: Archaeological Perspectives00000
ANTHROP 2G03Readings in Indo-European Myth00000
ANTHROP 2EE3Sport and/as Religion00000
ANTHROP 2DA3Traditional Indigenous Ecological Knowledge00000
ANTHROP 2BB3Ancient Mesoamerica: Aztecs to Zapotecs00000
ANTHROP 3X03Zooarchaeology00000
ANTHROP 4HH3Archaeologies of Space and Place00000
ANTHROP 4G03Independent Research I00000
ANTHROP 4F03Current Debates in Archaeology00000
ANTHROP 4EE3Advanced Topics in Archaeology II00000
ANTHROP 4DN3Diet & Nutrition: Biocultural and Bioarchaeological Perspectives00000
ANTHROP 4D03Practicing Anthropology: Ethics, Theory, Engagement00000
ANTHROP 4CC3Archaeology Of Foodways00000
ANTHROP 4B03Current Problems in Cultural Anthropology I00000
ANTHROP 4AA3Materiality, Matter and Social Lives00000
ANTHROP 4R03Advanced Bioarchaeology and Skeletal Biology00000
ANTHROP 3SS3Sacred Journeys00000
ANTHROP 3PH3Dissent, Power and History00000
ANTHROP 3PD3Anthropological Perspectives and Debates00000
ANTHROP 3P03Doing Ethnography: Theory and Research Methods00000
ANTHROP 3LA3Lithics Analysis00000
ANTHROP 3K03Archaeological Interpretation00000
ANTHROP 3HH3Globalization, Social Justice and Human Rights00000
ANTHROP 3GG3Anthropology of Contemporary Europe00000