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McMaster Course Reviews

McMaster University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CHEM 2OA3Organic Chemistry I3.
CHEM 1A03Introductory Chemistry I3.533.33.84
CHEM 2OB3Organic Chemistry II3.
CHEM 1AA3Introductory Chemistry II4344.73
CHEM 2A03Quantitative Chemical Analysis3233.52
CHEM 2OG3Structure and Reactivity of Organic Molecules43441
CHEM 2II3Introductory Inorganic Chemistry: Structure and Bonding54451
CHEM 2P03Applications of Physical Chemistry43431
CHEM 3II3Introduction to Transition Metal Chemistry00000
CHEM 3PA3Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy00000
CHEM 3RP3Research Practicum in Chemistry00000
CHEM 4D03Organic Structure and Synthesis00000
CHEM 4IB3Bio-Inorganic Chemistry00000
CHEM 4OA3Natural Products00000
CHEM 4RP6 A/B SResearch Project in Chemistry00000
CHEM 2LB3Tools for Chemical Discovery00000
CHEM 2Q03Inquiry for Chemistry00000
CHEM 4W03Natural and Synthetic Materials00000
CHEM 3PC3Mathematical Tools for Chemical Problems00000
CHEM 3SC3Sustainable Chemistry - Natural Resources and Energy00000
CHEM 4G12 A/BSenior Thesis00000
CHEM 4IC3Solid State Inorganic Materials: Structures, Properties, Characterization and Applications00000
CHEM 4PB3Computational Models for Electronic Structure and Chemical Bonding00000
CHEM 1R03General Chemistry00000
CHEM 3I03Industrial Chemistry00000
CHEM 2SC3Sustainable Chemistry - Green Chemistry00000
CHEM 2OD3Synthesis and Function of Organic Molecules00000
CHEM 4SC3Sustainable Chemistry - Analysis and Regulation00000
CHEM 4OB3Polymers and Organic Materials00000
CHEM 4II3Transition Metal Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis00000
CHEM 4IA3Physical Methods of Inorganic Structure Determination00000
CHEM 4AA3Recent Advances in Analytical Chemistry00000
CHEM 3RC3Radioisotopes in Medicine00000
CHEM 3OA3Organic Synthesis00000
CHEM 3LA3Strategies for Chemical Discovery00000
CHEM 3AA3Instrumental Analysis00000
CHEM 2BC3Making Chemistry More Sustainable00000
CHEM 1E03General Chemistry for Engineering I00000
CHEM 3EP3 A/B SAdvanced Chemistry Placement00000
CHEM 2E03Introductory Organic Chemistry00000