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McMaster Course Reviews

McMaster University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ENGPHYS 2P04Computational Mechanics42341
ENGPHYS 3O04Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer54551
ENGPHYS 4NE3Advanced Nuclear Engineering00000
ENGPHYS 4A06 A/BEngineering Physics Design and Synthesis Project00000
ENGPHYS 4QC3Introduction to Quantum Computing00000
ENGPHYS 4UN2Modern and Applied Physics Laboratory: Nuclear Labs00000
ENGPHYS 4Z03Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology00000
ENGPHYS 2E04Analog and Digital Circuits00000
ENGPHYS 3BA4Electronics I: Circuits with Non-Linear and Active Components00000
ENGPHYS 3EC4Professional Communication and Project Management00000
ENGPHYS 3H04 A/B SResearch Project in Engineering Physics00000
ENGPHYS 3W04Signals and Systems for Engineering00000
ENGPHYS 4I03Introduction to Biophotonics00000
ENGPHYS 4P03Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation00000
ENGPHYS 4S03Lasers and Electro-Optics00000
ENGPHYS 4UP2Modern and Applied Physics Laboratory: Photonics00000
ENGPHYS 3SM3Statistical Mechanics00000
ENGPHYS 4MD3Nanoscale Semiconductor Devices00000
ENGPHYS 4UB2Modern and Applied Physics Laboratory: Biomedical00000
ENGPHYS 4US2Modern and Applied Physics Laboratory: Smart Systems00000
ENGPHYS 4X03Introduction to Photovoltaics00000
ENGPHYS 2NE3Thermal Systems Design00000
ENGPHYS 2QM3Introduction to Quantum Mechanics00000
ENGPHYS 3D03Principles of Nuclear Engineering00000
ENGPHYS 3ES3Introduction to Energy Systems00000
ENGPHYS 3L04Engineering Metrology: Fundamentals and Applications00000
ENGPHYS 3PD3Photonic Devices00000
ENGPHYS 4D03Nuclear Reactor Physics00000
ENGPHYS 4PP3Plasma Physics Applications00000
ENGPHYS 4UM2Modern and Applied Physics Laboratory: Nano- and Micro-devices00000
ENGPHYS 4H04 A/B SResearch Project in Engineering Physics00000
ENGPHYS 2A04Electricity and Magnetism00000
ENGPHYS 2H04Statistical Thermodynamics00000
ENGPHYS 3BB4Electronics II: Embedding and Programming a Micro-Controller00000
ENGPHYS 3E04Fundamentals of Physical Optics00000
ENGPHYS 3F03Principles of Solid-state Materials and Devices00000
ENGPHYS 3NM4Numerical Methods for Engineering00000
ENGPHYS 3PN4Semiconductor Junction Devices00000
ENGPHYS 2CM4Computational Multiphysics00000