Professor Rebecca Seles Reviews
Class Ratings
Professor Rating
Prof: Rebecca Seles / Fall 2024
Mar 4, 2025
Great class if you are planning on going into Social Science/humanities or hope to get a job in the public sector. You will gain a good understanding of Indigenous people and their histories. If you are Indigenous a lot of the information is repetitive but super easy to get good marks in.
The course is split into: 2 papers, group discussions, and a final exam (take home, 1 week to complete 4 500 word responses). Whichever day teh group discussions are make sure you go, other than that you could skip if you want. In group discussions make sure you speak 2-3 times about relevant content.
I love this professor. She is amazing! Super caring and will help you as long as you ask. She is a bit intimidating when you first speak to her, but once you chat you will see how kind she is.
Show up on discussion group days. Have an open mind.