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MSU Course Reviews

Michigan State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CSE 498Collaborative Design (W)11341
CSE 320Computer Organization and Architecture11531
CSE 425Intro to Computer Security00000
CSE 482Big Data Analysis00000
CSE 477Web App Architecture & Develop00000
CSE 472Computer Graphics00000
CSE 460Computability and Formal Language Theory00000
CSE 444Information Technology Project00000
CSE 435Software Engineering00000
CSE 431Algorithm Engineering00000
CSE 491Sel Topics in Computer Science00000
CSE 422Computer Networks00000
CSE 410Operating Systems00000
CSE 402Biometrics and Pattern Recognition00000
CSE 331Algorithms and Data Structures00000
CSE 291Selected Topics in Computer Science00000
CSE 260Discrete Structures in Computer Science00000
CSE 231Introduction to Programming I00000
CSE 201Fund of Information Technology00000
CSE 801AIntro to Big Data Analysis00000
CSE 803Computer Vision00000
CSE 813Advanced VLSI Design00000
CSE 822Parallel Computing00000
CSE 825Computer and Network Security00000
CSE 835Algorithmic Graph Theory00000
CSE 841Artificial Intelligence00000
CSE 843Language and Interaction00000
CSE 847Machine Learning00000
CSE 860Foundations of Computing00000
CSE 881Data Mining00000
CSE 890Independent Study00000
CSE 898Master's Project00000
CSE 910Sel Top Cmpt Netwrk & Dist Sys00000
CSE 999Doctoral Dissertation Research00000
CSE 415Intro to Parallel Computing00000
CSE 480Database Systems00000
CSE 476Mobile Application Development00000
CSE 471Media Processing and Multimedia Computing00000
CSE 450Translation of Programming Languages00000
CSE 440Introduction to Artificial Intelligence00000
CSE 434Autonomous Vehicles00000
CSE 429Topics in CyberSecurity00000
CSE 420Computer Architecture00000
CSE 490Independent Study in Computer Science00000
CSE 404Introduction to Machine Learning00000
CSE 335Object-oriented Software Design00000
CSE 325Computer Systems00000
CSE 300Social, Ethical, and Professional Issues in Computer Science00000
CSE 290Independent Study in Computer Science00000
CSE 232Introduction to Programming II00000
CSE 220Programming in C00000
CSE 842Natural Language Processing00000
CSE 101Computng Concepts/Competencies00000
CSE 914Formal Method Sftwr Develop00000
CSE 899Master's Thesis Research00000
CSE 891Selected Topics00000
CSE 885Artificial Neural Networks00000
CSE 870Advanced Software Engineering00000
CSE 848Evolutionary Computation00000
CSE 845Multi-disc Res Meth Study Evol00000
CSE 102Algorithmic Thinking and Programming00000
CSE 830Design & Theory of Algorithms00000
CSE 824Advanced Computer Networks and Communications00000
CSE 820Advanced Computer Architecture00000
CSE 812Distributed Systems00000
CSE 802Pattern Recognition & Analysis00000
CSE 801BIntroduction to Data Mining00000
CSE 492Sel Topics Data Sci00000