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NDSU Course Reviews

North Dakota State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ACCT 200Elements of Accounting I43451
ENGL 120College Composition II43451
PHYS 171Introductory Projects in Physics35431
MIS 376Data and Telecommunications Administration31331
MATH 129Basic Linear Algebra45341
BUSN 340International Business45441
ANSC 725Advanced Equine Nutrition00000
AGEC 711Applied Risk Analysis I00000
ANSC 851Genetic Prediction00000
ANTH 470Theory in Archaeology00000
AGEC 246Introduction to Agricultural Finance00000
AHSS 690Graduate Seminar00000
ARCH 232Design Technology00000
ANSC 488Dairy Industry and Production Systems00000
AGEC 491Seminar00000
ANSC 790Graduate Seminar00000
ABEN 798Master's Thesis00000
ANTH 394Individual Study00000
AGRI 397Coop/Internship00000
ANTH 645Archaeology of Native North America00000
ABEN 652Bioenvironmental Systems Design00000
ARCH 443Architectural Structures II00000
AGEC 344Agricultural Price Analysis00000
ANSC 230Meat Grading and Evaluation00000
ANSC 260LEquine Care and Management Practicum00000
ABEN 673Agricultural Power00000
AGEC 356Advanced Agricultural Lending00000
ANSC 323Fundamentals of Nutrition00000
ANSC 478Research and Issues in Animal Agriculture00000
AGEC 451National AgriMarketing Association (NAMA) II00000
ANSC 658Evaluation and Use of Breeds of Livestock00000
ABEN 790Graduate Seminar00000
ANSC 756History and Perspectives in Animal Breeding00000
AGEC 644Advanced Commodity Trading00000
ANSC 798Master's Thesis00000
ABEN 491Seminar00000
ANTH 205Human Origins00000
AGEC 797Master's Paper00000
ANTH 453Magic and Religion00000
ANTH 458Indigenous Peoples and Cultures of the Upper Midwest00000
ANTH 493Undergraduate Research00000
AHSS 472Introduction to Publishing00000
ANTH 690Graduate Seminar00000
ABEN 456Biobased Energy00000
ARCH 341Site Design for Architects00000
ANSC 200Introduction to Anthrozoology00000
ARCH 454Environmental Control System: Active System00000
ABEN 658Process Engineering for Food, Biofuels and Bioproducts00000
ANSC 235Equine Evaluation00000
AGEC 347Principles of Real Estate00000
ANSC 310Principles of Therapeutic Horsemanship Instruction00000
ABEN 473Agricultural Power00000
ANSC 331Competitive Livestock Evaluation00000
AGEC 375Applied Agricultural Law00000
ANSC 344Fundamentals of Meat Processing00000
ANSC 358Equine Genetics00000
ABEN 682Instrumentation & Measurements00000
AGEC 396Field Experience00000
ANSC 364Equine Anatomy and Physiology00000
ANSC 461Advanced Horsemanship and Equitation00000
AGEC 450National AgriMarketing Association (NAMA) I00000
ANSC 485Poultry Industry and Production Systems00000
ABEN 758Applied Computer Imaging and Sensing for Biosystems00000
ANSC 644Livestock Muscle Physiology00000
AGEC 474Cooperatives00000
ANSC 687Growing and Finishing Cattle Management00000
ABEN 484Drainage and Wetland Engineering00000
ANSC 752Selection Index Theory and Application00000
AGEC 496Field Experience00000
ANSC 773Energy Metabolism00000
ABEN 795Field Experience00000
ANSC 795Field Experience00000
AGEC 652Food Laws & Regulations00000
ANSC 830Growth Biology00000
ABEN 444Transport Processes00000
ANSC 892Graduate Teaching Experience00000
AGEC 741Advanced Microeconomics00000
ANTH 332Medical Anthropology00000
ABEN 899Doctoral Dissertation00000
ANTH 441Death and Dying00000
AGEC 892Graduate Teaching Experience00000
ABEN 496Field Experience00000
ANTH 481Ethnographic Research Methods00000
AGRI 793Individual Study/Tutorial00000
ANTH 638Historical Archaeology00000
ACCT 311Intermediate Accounting I00000
ANTH 671Archaeological Research Methods00000
AHSS 496Field Experience00000
ANTH 797Master's Paper00000
ABEN 263Biological Materials Processing00000
ARCH 321History and Theory of Architecture I00000
ANSC 102Student Success Techniques - Animal Sciences with Pre-Veteri...00000
ARCH 371Architectural Design III00000
AGEC 342Farm and Agribusiness Management II00000
ANSC 378Animal Health Management00000
AGEC 420Integrated Farm and Ranch Management00000
ANSC 393Undergraduate Research00000
ANSC 410Therapeutic Horsemanship Teaching Practicum00000
ANSC 218Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals00000
ABEN 189Skills for Academic Success00000