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NEU Course Reviews

Northeastern University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MATH 3081Probability and Statistics4.5544.52
MATH 1231Calculus for Business and Economics33221
MATH 2341Differential Equations and Linear Algebra for Engineering45351
MATH 4555Complex Variables43451
MATH 1365Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning43251
MATH 4581Statistics and Stochastic Processes53551
MATH 2331Linear Algebra53541
MATH 2321Calculus 3 for Science and Engineering43541
MATH 1251Calculus and Differential Equations for Biology 133221
MATH 3341Dynamical Systems00000
MATH 3533Combinatorial Mathematics00000
MATH 3990Elective00000
MATH 3150Real Analysis00000
MATH 2990Elective00000
MATH 2323Calculus 3 for Business, Economics, and Mathematics00000
MATH 2280Statistics and Software00000
MATH 4525Applied Analysis00000
MATH 4541Advanced Calculus00000
MATH 1340Intensive Calculus for Engineers00000
MATH 4565Topology00000
MATH 1245Calculus with Applications00000
MATH 4571Advanced Linear Algebra00000
MATH 1242Calculus 200000
MATH 9990Dissertation Term 100000
MATH 7733Readings in Graph Theory00000
MATH 7311Commutative Algebra00000
MATH 7316Lie Algebras00000
MATH 7335Discrete Geometry 200000
MATH 7342Mathematical Statistics00000
MATH 7345Nonparametric Methods in Statistics00000
MATH 7350Pseudodifferential Equations00000
MATH 7361Schemes00000
MATH 7371Morse Theory00000
MATH 7392Topics in Geometry00000
MATH 1216Recitation for MATH 121500000
MATH 7741Readings in Probability and Statistics00000
MATH 7754Readings in Ordinary Differential Equations00000
MATH 7978Independent Study00000
MATH 8460Graduate Seminar in Geometry and Representation Theory00000
MATH 9000PhD Candidacy Achieved00000
MATH 4970Junior/Senior Honors Project 100000
MATH 1120Precalculus00000
MATH 1130College Math for Business and Economics00000
MATH 2285Introduction To Multisample Statistics00000
MATH 7381Topics in Combinatorics00000
MATH 7435Discrete Geometry 300000
MATH 7732Readings in Combinatorial Geometry00000
MATH 7751Readings: Analysis00000
MATH 7771Readings in Geometry00000
MATH 8440Mathematical Tapas Seminar00000
MATH 8984Research00000
MATH 9948Modern Mathematical Research00000
MATH 9991Dissertation Term 200000
MATH 7374Riemannian Geometry and General Relativity00000
MATH 4570Matrix Methods in Data Analysis and Machine Learning00000
MATH 6955Co-op Work Experience Abroad Half Time00000
MATH 7375Topics in Topology00000
MATH 3535Numerical Methods with Applications to Differential Equation...00000
MATH 5122Geometry 100000
MATH 7321Topology 300000
MATH 3181Advanced Probability and Statistics00000
MATH 4684Theory of Interest and Basics of Life Insurance 200000
MATH 7363Topics in Algebraic Geometry00000
MATH 7234Optimization and Complexity00000
MATH 4606Mathematical and Computational Methods for Physics00000
MATH 7203Numerical Analysis 100000
MATH 4991Research00000
MATH 4994Internship00000
MATH 5102Analysis 2: Functions of Several Variables00000
MATH 5131Introduction to Mathematical Methods and Modeling00000
MATH 6961Internship00000
MATH 6965Co-op Work Experience Abroad00000
MATH 7206Inverse Problems: Radon Transform, X-Ray Transform, and Applications00000
MATH 4577Commutative Algebra00000
MATH 7243Machine Learning and Statistical Learning Theory00000
MATH 7303Complex Manifolds00000
MATH 7315Algebraic Number Theory00000
MATH 7320Modern Algebraic Geometry00000
MATH 7341Probability 200000
MATH 7344Regression, ANOVA, and Design00000
MATH 7346Time Series00000
MATH 7351Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics00000
MATH 7362Topics in Algebra00000
MATH 7205Numerical Analysis 200000
MATH 4683Financial Derivatives00000
MATH 4990Elective00000
MATH 4993Independent Study00000
MATH 5050Advanced Engineering Calculus with Applications00000
MATH 5110Applied Linear Algebra and Matrix Analysis00000
MATH 5121Topology 100000
MATH 6000Professional Development for Co-op00000
MATH 6962Elective00000
MATH 7202Partial Differential Equations 100000
MATH 4681Probability and Risks00000
MATH 7233Graph Theory00000
MATH 7241Probability 100000
MATH 7302Partial Differential Equations 200000
MATH 7312Lie Theory00000
MATH 7317Modern Representation Theory00000
MATH 7340Statistics for Bioinformatics00000
MATH 7343Applied Statistics00000
MATH 7349Stochastic Calculus and Introduction to No-Arbitrage Finance00000
MATH 7352Mathematical Methods of Quantum Mechanics00000
MATH 3175Group Theory00000
MATH 1213Interactive Mathematics00000
MATH 1215Mathematical Thinking00000
MATH 1220Mathematics of Art00000
MATH 1241Calculus 100000
MATH 1260Math Fundamentals for Games00000
MATH 1342Calculus 2 for Science and Engineering00000
MATH 2201History of Mathematics00000
MATH 2342Recitation for MATH 234100000
MATH 3082Recitation for MATH 308100000
MATH 7364Topics in Representation Theory00000
MATH 3331Differential Geometry00000
MATH 3530Numerical Analysis00000
MATH 3560Geometry00000
MATH 4025Applied Mathematics Capstone00000
MATH 4545Fourier Series and PDEs00000
MATH 4567Differential Topology00000
MATH 4575Introduction to Cryptography00000
MATH 4586Algebraic Geometry00000
MATH 4996Experiential Education Directed Study00000
MATH 3527Number Theory 100000
MATH 3545Introduction to Graph Theory00000
MATH 4020Research Capstone00000
MATH 4527Number Theory 200000
MATH 4569Knot Theory00000
MATH 4576Rings and Fields00000
MATH 4682Theory of Interest and Basics of Life Insurance00000
MATH 4971Junior/Senior Honors Project 200000
MATH 4992Directed Study00000
MATH 3275Advanced Group Theory00000
MATH 5101Analysis 1: Functions of One Variable00000
MATH 5111Algebra 100000
MATH 5112Algebra 200000
MATH 6954Co-op Work Experience - Half-Time00000
MATH 6964Co-op Work Experience00000
MATH 1000Mathematics at Northeastern00000
MATH 7221Topology 200000
MATH 7235Discrete Geometry 100000
MATH 9984Research00000
MATH 7376Topics in Differential Geometry00000
MATH 7382Topics in Probability00000
MATH 7721Readings in Topology00000
MATH 7734Readings in Algebra00000
MATH 7735Readings in Algebraic Geometry00000
MATH 7752Readings in Real Analysis00000
MATH 7962Elective00000
MATH 8450Research Seminar in Mathematics00000
MATH 8986Research00000
MATH 7301Functional Analysis00000
MATH 9996Dissertation Continuation00000
MATH 1252Calculus and Differential Equations for Biology 200000
MATH 1341Calculus 1 for Science and Engineering00000
MATH 1990Elective00000
MATH 2230Mathematical Encounters00000
MATH 2322Recitation for MATH 232100000
MATH 3000Co-op and Experiential Learning Reflection Seminar 100000
MATH 3090Exploration of Modern Mathematics00000