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Purdue Course Reviews

Purdue University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
NUTR 12500Food Safety Certification44.534.52
NUTR 10500Nutrition In The 21st Century35431
NUTR 33000Diet Selection And Planning00000
NUTR 44300Laboratory In Foodservice Systems Management00000
NUTR 43000Public Health Nutrition00000
NUTR 42400Communication Techniques In Foods And Nutrition00000
NUTR 41100Dietetics Career Planning00000
NUTR 39700Directed Honors Research00000
NUTR 39000Independent Undergraduate Research00000
NUTR 35000Dietetics Practicum In Quantity Food Production00000
NUTR 34000Field Experience In Nutrition, Fitness And Health00000
NUTR 46100Laboratory In Medical Nutrition Therapy00000
NUTR 30300Essentials Of Nutrition00000
NUTR 24500Rookie Experience In Sports Nutrition00000
NUTR 20201Experience In Food Preparation00000
NUTR 10600Introduction To The Profession Of Dietetics00000
NUTR 60200Functions Of Nutrients: Carbohydrates And Lipids00000
NUTR 54000Food Regulations00000
NUTR 53400Human Sensory Systems And Food Evaluation00000
NUTR 49700Honors Research Project00000
NUTR 60900Food Lipids00000
NUTR 69800Research MS Thesis00000
NUTR 69400Introductory Foods And Nutrition Seminar00000
NUTR 64000Human Feeding00000
NUTR 63100Polysaccharide Structure And Function00000
NUTR 62300Human Nutrition And Cancer00000
NUTR 61700Ingestive Behavior Seminar00000
NUTR 61500Mineral Metabolism00000
NUTR 61100Food Toxicology00000
NUTR 49100Independent Study00000
NUTR 60600Nutritional Biochemistry And Physiology II00000
NUTR 59500Special Problems In Food Science00000
NUTR 59000Special Problems In Nutrition00000
NUTR 53600Current Topics In Food Science00000
NUTR 49600Evaluation Of Nutrition Science Research00000
NUTR 49200Undergraduate Instruction In Nutrition00000
NUTR 49000Independent Undergraduate Research00000
NUTR 48100Medical Nutrition Therapy II00000
NUTR 61200Obesity: Behavior, Physiology And Policy00000
NUTR 20200Principles Of Food Preparation And Nutrition00000
NUTR 10700Introduction To Nutrition Science00000
NUTR 69900Research PhD Thesis00000
NUTR 69500Seminar00000
NUTR 69000Interdepartmental Nutrition Program Grant Writing00000
NUTR 63400Nutrition And Cancer Prevention00000
NUTR 63000Carbohydrates00000
NUTR 62200Human Nutrition And Atherosclerosis00000
NUTR 61600Special Topics In Ingestive Behavior00000
NUTR 20500Food Science I00000
NUTR 61000Food Proteins00000
NUTR 60700Nutritional Biochemistry And Physiology III00000
NUTR 60500Nutritional Biochemistry And Physiology I00000
NUTR 60100Functions Of Nutrients: Vitamins00000
NUTR 53800Readings In Nutrition00000
NUTR 43800Micronutrient And Phytochemical Metabolism In Human Health And Disease00000
NUTR 43700Macronutrient Metabolism In Human Health And Disease00000
NUTR 42600Lab In Community Nutrition00000
NUTR 39800International Special Topics00000
NUTR 40000Executive In The Classroom00000
NUTR 48800Topics In Nutrition, Fitness, And Health00000
NUTR 48000Medical Nutrition Therapy I00000
NUTR 46500Laboratory In Engagement00000
NUTR 45300Food Chemistry00000
NUTR 44200Foodservice Systems Management00000
NUTR 43600Nutritional Assessment00000
NUTR 41500Practicum In Nutrition, Fitness, And Health00000
NUTR 49500Undergraduate Seminar In Foods And Nutrition00000
NUTR 39200Undergraduate Instruction In Nutrition00000
NUTR 39100Independent Study00000
NUTR 37500Foods And Nutrition Internship00000
NUTR 36500Physiology And Nutrition During The Life Cycle00000
NUTR 34500Continuing Experience In Sports Nutrition00000
NUTR 33200Nutrition Counseling00000
NUTR 31500Fundamentals Of Nutrition00000
NUTR 29700Introduction To Honors Research00000