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Professor Andrei Gabrielov Reviews


Class Ratings

2Bad Class
1Very Hard
3Kinda Useful

Prof: Andrei Gabrielov / Fall 2021

Dec 7, 2021

Comments on the course

Overall, course tends to be catered towards massive amounts of external study or prior knowledge to get a passing grade. The course has 2-3 homeworks each week which average to around 6-8 hours a week along with digital quizzes which average around 1-4 hours a week depending on how many attempts is necessary. Homework and quizzes are unlimited attempts. Exams are multiple choice, generally less than 15 questions meaning each question has a significant impact on your overall grade. Your recitation course generally goes over quiz problems but also exam problems. You MUST attend recitation on the week of a quiz to receive quiz credit regardless of your score.

Course Content

All information regarding the course content can be found on the course schedule which is a public resource.

Comments on the professor

Prof. Gabrielov is a lovable professor but, isn't suited towards mass lectures. His lecturing style is a few basic problems with very little explanation on the actual concept.


Come to lecture only for practice problems. Learn the material from the textbook, MyMathLab, tutoring, or respectable YouTube courses. Use the MathResourceRoom as much as possible if time permits.

Course: MA 16500Delivery: In personGrade: C-Workload: HeavyTextbook Use: No
Quiz HeavyExam HeavyAssignment Heavy