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Professor Kindyl King Reviews


Class Ratings

3OK Class
3Avg. Difficulty
3Kinda Useful

Prof: Kindyl King / Fall 2021

Dec 1, 2021

Comments on the course

This class was okay. Lecture was boring, workload was annoying but manageable. Overall, just a meh class.

Course Content

The content isn't too hard if you've done some Precalculus before, which I had. Can be confusing at times. There's homework every other night, but you get basically infinite tries online and a lot of the questions are just exact repeats from the ones shown in class, so it can give a nice little boost to your grade. Most of your grade is determined by exams (we had four) and weekly quizzes, however. The exams aren't too hard as long as you study beforehand and review topics that you're bad at. There was no cumulative final, which was really nice.

Comments on the professor

The lectures were always boring, but I think that's more t he fault of the content than the instructor. She seemed almost awkward at times, but did explain things fairly well.


Start homework early so you can ask questions if needed. Study for exams even if you think you don't need to. Take notes during lectures.

Course: MA 15800Delivery: In personGrade: Not sure yetWorkload: HeavyTextbook Use: No
Assignment HeavyExam HeavyQuiz Heavy