Professor Roberto De La Salud Bea Reviews
Class Ratings
Professor Rating
Prof: Roberto De La Salud Bea / Spring 2022
Aug 11, 2022
After taking this course, you will know if you are genuinely interested in Chemistry.
Learning about bonds more deeply than foundation of chem. Then, it's about naming organic compounds. Lastly, it's about reactions in organic chem and its mechanism. This will help you better understand some Molecular Biology concept.
He has a strong accent, but, after a few classes, I am totally fine with it. He is really helpful at office hour. His exams and quizzes are hard and require critical thinking. His class, overall, is good.
- Do all the problem sets that he gives, because they are similar to his quizzes and exams. - Don't miss any of his class. If you does, go to office hour. - Everything he mentions in class (even the smallest thing) can be in the exam.