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TAMU Course Reviews

Texas A&M University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MATH 140Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences3.733.34.33
CHEM 228Organic Chemistry II32222
ACCT 328Financial Reporting II42.54.54.52
HORT 201Horticultural Science and Practices54551
GEOG 202Geography of the Global Village11111
DCED 202Dance Appreciation35211
KINE 435Physiology of Exercise Lab54551
PSYC 320Sensation-Perception54441
BIOL 111Introductory Biology I44441
KINE 120The Science of Basic Health and Fitness43431
PERF 201Mus & Human Experience45421
HIST 106History of the United States55431
STAT 201Elementary Statistical Inference22231
ESET 210Circuit Analysis53551
CHEM 119Fundamentals of Chemistry I54331
BICH 440Biochemistry I43551
ENTO 201General Entomology53551
PSYC 235/NRSC235 Introduction to Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience43451
ECEN 471Power Management Circuits and Systems21241
KINE 282Culture of Wellness33331
ECEN 325Electronics42441
SOCI 337International Migration13111
PHIL 240Introduction to Logic54331
NRSC 444Neural Development00000
PHPM 662Health Econ II00000
OCNG 632Sea-Level Change00000
MEPS 689Sptp: Research Journaling00000
PERF 211Collab Musicianship00000
OCEN 460Data Science for Ocen-Gv00000
ISEN 427Decision & Risk Analysis00000
SCSC 636Reg Sci Method Food Sys00000
PETE 637Streamline Simulation00000
RPTS 641Tourism Experience00000
SPED 628Consultation in Sped00000
EPSY 661Dta Anlys Sngl Cs Exp Dsgn Ed00000
LAND 632Design for Active Living00000
SSEN 643Subsea Riser Design00000
URSC 645Urban & Regional Analytics00000
AERO 661Optical Methods for Aero00000
VPAT 668Animal Models00000
ANTH 650Ethnographic Fld Meth00000
CARC 412Inter Capstone Smart Conn Comm00000
LAW 643Property Law & Transactions00000
AGLS 436Insur & Estate Planning00000
CYBR 602Law & Policy in Cybersecurity00000
ECON 416Economics of Microfinance00000
BESL 624Class Pract Adult Esl00000
FORS 611App Clin Pharm Victims Of Viol00000
FSTC 667Indus Proc Meat Oper00000
CHEN 291Hnr-Research00000
FSTC 406Poultry Further Processing00000
LAW 7125Adv Legal Research Boot Camp00000
CSCE 749Intro to Appl Cryptography00000
GEOL 412Environmental Hydrogeology00000
IDIS 665Dist Capstone Project II00000
ECON 441Policy Economics00000
KINE 640Motor Neuroscience II00000
MATH 669Seminar Math Biology00000
OCNG 411Global Oceanography00000
MTDE 440Subsea Hardware Design00000
IDIS 489Sptp:Distribution Project And00000
NUTR 407Nutrition Care & Therapy00000
PETE 617Petro Reservoir Mgmt00000
OCNG 330Geological Oceanography00000
ECMT 638Appl Time Series Econometrics00000
PERF 222Music of the Americas00000
RELS 212Holy War00000
PHSC 691Research00000
ITAL 453Italian Literature00000
SOCI 632Migration00000
SPED 605Ldrshp Appl Behavior Analysis00000
SSEN 646App Reliabil Engr Subsea Syst00000
BESL 615Teacher Action Research00000
VSCS 941Sm Aniim Clinics II00000
STAT 315Computational Data Science00000
ALED 323Ldship Multicultural World00000
LAW 633Art Law00000
BESC 431Bioenvironmental Data Analysis00000
AERO 415Comp Fluid Dyn Aero Apps00000
CLAS 417War&Warships in Greece&Rome00000
FORS 601Foundations of Fors00000
ECEN 663Data Compression00000
ARCH 401Design Creativity00000
ESET 611Industrial Internet of Things00000
LAW 657Healthcare Trans & Antitrust00000
FSTC 289Sptp:The Beauty of Elctrons00000
CHEM 616Organomet Organic Synth00000
GENE 633Conservation Genetics00000
AGEC 495Intl Agrbu Industry Practices00000
HLTH 610Health Assessment00000
ECEN 710Switching Power Supplies00000
ISEN 433Biomechanics of Work00000
LDEV 651Prop Delvop Agree & Regulation00000
LAW 621Foundations of Business Law00000
GENE 464Bacteriophage Genomics00000
LDTC 655Instr Design II00000
FSTC 324Food Safe Prev Controls00000
GENE 643Mol Quant Gene Plnt Bred00000
MEEN 636Turbulence Theory Appl00000
GEOS 613Data Governance Geosciences00000