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Tech Course Reviews

Tennessee Technological University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
GEOG 4510Theory of GIS I55551
GEOG 4650Environmental Apps of GIS44551
GEOG 4210Cartography55551
GEOG 4511Theory of GIS II55551
GEOG 4810Special Problems00000
GEOG 5850Advanced GIS00000
GEOG 5410Remote Sensing00000
GEOG 4820Special Problems00000
GEOG 4410Remote Sensing00000
GEOG 3710Geography of the US00000
GEOG 1130Geography of Natural Hazards00000
GEOG 1100Global Climate Change00000
GEOG 1012Cultural Geography00000
GEOG 5711Hydrogeology00000
GEOG 5150Geomorphology00000
GEOG 1120Intro To Human Geography00000
GEOG 3200Water Resources00000
GEOG 2010World Regional Geography00000
GEOG 1030Cultural Geography00000
GEOG 5650Environmental Apps of GIS00000
GEOG 4850Advanced GIS00000
GEOG 4711Hydrogeology00000
GEOG 4150Geomorphology00000
GEOG 2100Introduction to Meteorology00000