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Professor Abram Hindle Reviews


Class Ratings

4Good Class
3Avg. Difficulty
5Very Useful

Prof: Abram Hindle / Winter 2021

Mar 29, 2021

Comments on the course

Abram is an excellent professor and makes classes interesting. He explains concepts very clearly and goes over practice questions such as class participation exercises. The tests are fairly straightforward and I'd say very fair content-wise. The only issue for me is that the tests are a time crunch as you only have 15 minutes to answer each question (this is for an online class). If we were given more time to answer the questions, I think that I would do much better.


Attend lectures, complete all the labs and review the notes. The course is not challenging but a lot of time and work is required for the class project.

Course: CMPUT 301Grade: Not sure yetAttendance: MandatoryTextbook Use: No