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UB Course Reviews

University at Buffalo

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MAE 340LECDynamic Systems22.72.733
MAE 425LECSpace Dyn & Ctrl32.53.532
MAE 364LECManufacturing Processes24.52.53.52
MAE 444LECDigital Control Systems54541
MAE 336LECHeat Transfer42451
MAE 502LECSpecial Topics-Orbital Mechanics00000
MAE 467LECVibration & Shock 100000
MAE 478LECCardiovascular Biomechans00000
MAE 485LECMech Propts Of Materials00000
MAE 489LECMaterials Experimental Methods00000
MAE 493LECRobotics I00000
MAE 496LECEngineering Internship00000
MAE 498TUTResearch/creative Act00000
MAE 500LECSpecial Topics-Mems And Microrobots00000
MAE 521LECSustainable Manufacturing00000
MAE 505LECSpecial Topics-Hvac00000
MAE 525LECSpace Dyn & Cntrl00000
MAE 509LECSpecial Topics-Quant Of Uncert In Phys Models00000
MAE 514LECEval Biomedical Matls00000
MAE 516LECFluid Mechanics 200000
MAE 524LECElasticity 100000
MAE 520LECMusculoskeletal Biomechan00000
MAE 476LECMechatronics00000
MAE 527LECSpecial Topics-Intelligent Cad Interface00000
MAE 460LECSpecial Topics-Space Mission Design00000
MAE 451LECDesign Process & Methods00000
MAE 443LRContinuous Control System00000
MAE 438LECSmart Materials00000
MAE 436LECFlight Dynamics00000
MAE 434LECAircraft Design00000
MAE 431LECEnergy Systems00000
MAE 424LRAerodynamics00000
MAE 422LECGas Dynamics00000
MAE 420LECMusculoskeleta Biomech00000
MAE 413LECSpecial Topics-Design Fluid Thermal Systems00000
MAE 409LECSpecial Topics-Advanced Thermodynamics00000
MAE 400LECSpecial Topics-Bioinspired And Biomimetic Eng00000
MAE 381LECEngng Materials 100000
MAE 598TUTGraduate Internship00000
MAE 568LECVibration & Shock 200000
MAE 569LECFlow Estimation And Control00000
MAE 571LECSystems Analysis00000
MAE 576LECMechatronics00000
MAE 578LECCardiovascular Biomechans00000
MAE 584LECNano/microtechnologies Mems00000
MAE 587LECModern Theory Of Material00000
MAE 593LECRobotics I00000
MAE 565LECAcoustics & Wave Propagation00000
MAE 601TUTIndividual Problems00000
MAE 608LECPolymeric Biomaterials00000
MAE 610LECHigh Perform Computing 200000
MAE 631LECAdvanced Gas Dynamics00000
MAE 670LECNonlinear Control00000
MAE 672LECOptimal Control Systems00000
MAE 674LECOptimal Estimation Method00000
MAE 539LECComputational Fluid Dynamics 100000
MAE 339LABAerospace Engr. Lab00000
MAE 528LECDecision-Based System Design00000
MAE 529LECFinite Element Struc Anal00000
MAE 530LECRenewable Alternative Energy00000
MAE 532LECAdvanced Thermodynamics00000
MAE 534LECCombustion 100000
MAE 535LECPrinciples Of Material Design00000
MAE 537LECModal Analysis00000
MAE 526LECSpecial Topics-Advanced Control Systems00000
MAE 541LECTopics Finite Elements-Spacecraft Structures And Desi00000
MAE 543LRContinuous Control System00000
MAE 545LECHeat Transfer 100000
MAE 550LECOptimizat In Engrg Design00000
MAE 554LECRoad Vehicle Dynamics00000
MAE 560TUTMasters Research Guidance00000
MAE 562LECAnalytical Dynamics00000
MAE 494LTDesign Project00000
MAE 442LECEng Apps Comp Fluid Dynamics00000
MAE 454LECRoad Vehicle Dynamics00000
MAE 464LLBManufacturing Automation00000
MAE 470LECThermodynamics Materials00000
MAE 477LLBCad Applications00000
MAE 484LECNano/microtechnologies Mems00000
MAE 487LECModern Theory Of Material00000
MAE 490LECRobotics Ii00000
MAE 436LRFlight Dynamics00000
MAE 496TUTEngineering Internship00000
MAE 499TUTIndependent Study00000
MAE 501TUTIndividual Problems00000
MAE 503LECGraduate Seminar00000
MAE 507LECEngineering Analysis 100000
MAE 510LECSpecial Topics-Nanomechanics Of Materials00000
MAE 513LECTopics-Design Fluid Thermal Systems00000
MAE 410LECSpecial Topics-Nanomechanics Of Materials00000
MAE 278LECIntro To Ae Practice00000
MAE 311LECMachines & Mechanisms 100000
MAE 316LECAerospace Structures00000
MAE 335LRFluid Mechanics00000
MAE 338LABMae Lab Ii00000
MAE 377LLBProduct Design-Cae Envirn00000
MAE 385LABEngng Materials Lab00000
MAE 405LECSpecial Topics-Hvac00000
MAE 515LECFluid Mechanics 100000
MAE 415LECAdvanced Fluid Mechanics00000
MAE 421LECSustainable Manufacturing00000
MAE 423LECIntro To Propulsion00000
MAE 424LECAerodynamics00000
MAE 430LECRenewable Alternative Energy00000
MAE 432LECAdvanced Thermodynamics00000
MAE 435LECPrinciples Of Material Design00000
MAE 671LECNonlinear Systems00000
MAE 585LECMech Propts Of Materials00000
MAE 589LECMaterials Experimental Methods00000
MAE 594LECRobotics Ii00000
MAE 600LECAdvanced Topics-Learning For Autonomous System00000
MAE 607LECBiomat Sci Cell-Surface00000
MAE 609LECHigh Perform Computing 100000
MAE 618LECBiotransport And Biofluid Mech00000
MAE 660TUTDissertation00000
MAE 581LECAdv Materials Science00000
MAE 673LECVibration Contr Of Struct00000
MAE 177LLBIntroduction To Cad00000
MAE 277LECIntro To Me Practice00000
MAE 315LECAnalysis Of Structures00000
MAE 334LLBMae Laboratory I00000
MAE 204LRThermodynamics 100000
MAE 345LRIntermediate Dynamics00000
MAE 555LECContinuum Mechanics00000
MAE 519LECTurbulent Flow00000
MAE 536LECRandom Vibr & Stoch Struc00000
MAE 538LECSmart Materials00000
MAE 540LECComputational Fluid Dynamics 200000
MAE 542LECEng Apps Comp Fluid Dynamics00000
MAE 544LABDigital Control Systems00000
MAE 546LECHeat Transfer 200000
MAE 552LECHeuristic Optimization00000
MAE 376LLBApplied Math For Maes00000
MAE 562LRAnalytical Dynamics00000
MAE 564LLBManufacturing Automation00000
MAE 566LECSystem Identification00000
MAE 567LECVibration & Shock 100000
MAE 570LECThermodynamics Materials00000
MAE 575LECKinetics Of Materials00000
MAE 577LLBCad Applications00000