MICB 201
Introductory Environmental Microbiology
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Prof: Dr. Wade Bingle / Fall 2020
Dec 20, 2020
Class Ratings
Prof: Dr. Wade Bingle / Fall 2019
Dec 19, 2020
Textbook is free and written by Dr. Bingle.
Class is always at 8 am, but he gives you 10% just for attending and doing clickers. If that’s too early for you, no worries! You can choose to make up that 10% using your assignment and exam scores. Exams are definitely not easy, but if you have a good cheat sheet and really work to understand the material you should do fine. Make sure to really know the nutrient cycles (last unit) for the final, and keep up with the textbook readings because sometimes he tests on some really specific passages. A lot of his questions are in the format of 1 of the above, 2 of the above, etc. so you really need to know your stuff.
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