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UBC Course Reviews

University of British Columbia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MICB 201Introductory Environmental Microbiology3.73442
MICB 308Paradigms in Bacterial Pathogenesis21531
MICB 323Molecular Immunology and Virology Laboratory54551
MICB 402Advanced Immunology00000
MICB 418Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology00000
MICB 430ASeminar in Microbiological Literature - SEM MICB LIT00000
MICB 448CDirected Research - DIRECTED RESRCH00000
MICB 502Advanced Immunogenetics00000
MICB 506DMicrobiological and Immunological Research - MICB&IMMUN RSRCH00000
MICB 203Basic Microbiology Laboratory00000
MICB 398Co-operative Work Placement I00000
MICB 405Bioinformatics00000
MICB 406Topics in Molecular Virology00000
MICB 412Topics in Immunological Research00000
MICB 425Microbial Ecological Genomics00000
MICB 448ADirected Research - DIRECTED RESRCH00000
MICB 449Research Problem00000
MICB 498Co-operative Work Placement III00000
MICB 505Molecular Microbiology00000
MICB 549M.Sc. Thesis00000
MICB 448SDirected Research - STUDENT SEMINAR00000
MICB 448LDirected Research - LIBRARY PROJECT00000
MICB 421Experimental Microbiology00000
MICB 306Molecular Virology00000
MICB 325Analysis of Microbial Genes and Genomes00000
MICB 507Topics in Molecular Pathogenesis and Immunology00000
MICB 301Microbial Ecophysiology00000
MICB 322Molecular Microbiology Laboratory00000
MICB 399Co-operative Work Placement II00000
MICB 404Topics in Molecular Bacterial Pathogenesis00000
MICB 407Viral Infections in Humans.00000
MICB 413Topics in Microbiome Research00000
MICB 408Advanced Bacterial Pathogenesis00000
MICB 447Experimental Molecular Biology00000
MICB 448BDirected Research - DIRECTED RESRCH00000
MICB 499Co-operative Work Placement IV00000
MICB 506CMicrobiological and Immunological Research - MICB&IMMUN RSRCH00000
MICB 649Doctoral Dissertation00000
MICB 302Immunology00000
MICB 353Food Microbiology Laboratory00000
MICB 401Environmental Microbiology Laboratory00000
MICB 202Introductory Medical Microbiology and Immunology00000