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UBC Course Reviews

University of British Columbia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ENGL 110Approaches to Literature2.
ENGL 374Post-colonial Literature4.33551
ENGL 368U.S. Literature from 18903.32441
ENGL 649Doctoral Dissertation2.31511
ENGL 392Children's Literature2.33221
ENGL 100Reading and Writing about Literature2.33221
ENGL 242Introduction to Children's and Young Adult Literature44311
ENGL 111Approaches to Non-fictional Prose13211
ENGL 535AStudies in the Victorian Period - STD IN VICT ERA00000
ENGL 387Theory: Bodies00000
ENGL 393Ecocriticism00000
ENGL 397Studies in Prose Fiction00000
ENGL 490Literature Majors Seminar00000
ENGL 500Research in English Studies00000
ENGL 509AStudies in Rhetoric - STDS RHETORIC00000
ENGL 514AStudies in the Renaissance - ST'S RENAISSANCE00000
ENGL 371Asian Canadian and/or Asian Transnational Studies00000
ENGL 539BStudies in the Twentieth Century - STUDIES 20TH C00000
ENGL 541AStudies in American Literature Since 1890 - AMER LIT 1890 ON00000
ENGL 545AStudies in Canadian Literature - STUDIES CAN LIT00000
ENGL 545DStudies in Canadian Literature - STUDIES CAN LIT00000
ENGL 547CDirected Reading - DIRECTED READING00000
ENGL 551AStudies in Literary Movements - ST'S LIT MOVEMNT00000
ENGL 555AStudies in Literature and the Other Arts - STDIES LIT/ARTS00000
ENGL 565AStudies in Environmental Humanities - STDS ENVR HUMAN00000
ENGL 348Shakespeare00000
ENGL 322Stylistics00000
ENGL 326Studies in the English Language00000
ENGL 328Metaphor, Language and Thought00000
ENGL 331The Structure of Modern English: Sentences and Their Uses00000
ENGL 333History of the Book00000
ENGL 339Trauma and Memory: Literature, Performance and Theory00000
ENGL 343Anglo-Saxon and Early Medieval Literature00000
ENGL 346Chaucer00000
ENGL 379Migrations, Movements, and Transnational Networks in Literary and Cultural Production00000
ENGL 350Milton00000
ENGL 353Eighteenth-Century Literature00000
ENGL 360Early Canadian Writing00000
ENGL 362Victorian Period Literature00000
ENGL 365Modernist Literature00000
ENGL 370Literatures and Cultures of Africa and/or the Middle East00000
ENGL 373Indigenous Literature00000
ENGL 377World Literature and Social Movements00000
ENGL 508ALinguistic Studies of Contemporary English - LING CNTMPRY EN...00000
ENGL 555BStudies in Literature and the Other Arts - STDIES LIT/ARTS00000
ENGL 112Strategies for University Writing00000
ENGL 120Literature and Criticism00000
ENGL 247Television Studies00000
ENGL 491ESenior Honours Seminar - SR HONORS SEMNR100000
ENGL 492KSenior Honours Seminar - SR HONORS SEMNR200000
ENGL 492GSenior Honours Seminar - SR HONORS SEMNR200000
ENGL 492JSenior Honours Seminar - SR HONORS SEMNR200000
ENGL 506AStudies in Poetry - STUDIES POETRY00000
ENGL 551BStudies in Literary Movements - ST'S LIT MOVEMNT00000
ENGL 509BStudies in Rhetoric - STDS RHETORIC00000
ENGL 511BChaucer - CHAUCER00000
ENGL 514BStudies in the Renaissance - ST'S RENAISSANCE00000
ENGL 525AStudies in the Eighteenth Century - STUDIES 18TH C00000
ENGL 530BStudies in the Romantic Period - ROMANTIC PERIOD00000
ENGL 539DStudies in the Twentieth Century - STUDIES 20TH C00000
ENGL 540BStudies in American Literature to 1890 - AMER LIT TO 189000000
ENGL 553AStudies in Literary Theory - ST'S LIT THEORY00000
ENGL 561ATopics in Science and Technology Studies - TOPICS IN STS00000
ENGL 492HSenior Honours Seminar - SR HONORS SEMNR200000
ENGL 324English Corpus Linguistics00000
ENGL 307Studies in Rhetoric00000
ENGL 380Theory: Meaning and Interpretation00000
ENGL 386Theory: Critique, Intervention and Dissent00000
ENGL 395Studies in Poetry00000
ENGL 396Studies in Drama00000
ENGL 491HSenior Honours Seminar - SR HONORS SEMNR100000
ENGL 491GSenior Honours Seminar - SR HONORS SEMNR100000
ENGL 492ESenior Honours Seminar - SR HONORS SEMNR200000
ENGL 311History and Theory of Rhetoric: The Later Theory00000
ENGL 502AStudies in Criticism - STUDIES CRITICSM00000
ENGL 507BStudies in English Historical Linguistics - ENG HIST LING00000
ENGL 508BLinguistic Studies of Contemporary English - LING CNTMPRY EN...00000
ENGL 510BStudies in Old English - STUDIES OLD ENGL00000
ENGL 512BMiddle English Studies - MID ENGL STUDIES00000
ENGL 520BStudies in the Seventeenth Century - STUDIES 17TH C00000
ENGL 530AStudies in the Romantic Period - ROMANTIC PERIOD00000
ENGL 535BStudies in the Victorian Period - STD IN VICT ERA00000
ENGL 540AStudies in American Literature to 1890 - AMER LIT TO 189000000
ENGL 370ALiteratures and Cultures of Africa and/or the Middle East - LIT CULT AFR ME00000
ENGL 342Introduction to Old English00000
ENGL 344Middle English Literature00000
ENGL 347Renaissance Literature00000
ENGL 349Seventeenth-Century Literature00000
ENGL 351Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Literature00000
ENGL 355Romantic Period Literature00000
ENGL 361U.S. Literature to 189000000
ENGL 364Nineteenth-Century Literature00000
ENGL 366Twentieth-Century Literature00000
ENGL 337Text and Image00000
ENGL 372Canadian Literature00000
ENGL 375Global South Connections00000
ENGL 378Contemporary Literature00000
ENGL 382Theory: Anti-/De-/Post-Colonization00000
ENGL 394Canadian Environmental Writing00000
ENGL 489Language Majors Seminar00000
ENGL 491JSenior Honours Seminar - SR HONORS SEMNR100000
ENGL 491KSenior Honours Seminar - SR HONORS SEMNR100000
ENGL 301Technical Writing00000
ENGL 140Challenging Language Myths00000
ENGL 210An Introduction to English Honours00000
ENGL 220Literature in English to the 18th Century00000
ENGL 222Literature in Canada00000
ENGL 224World Literature in English00000
ENGL 227Prose Fiction00000
ENGL 231Introduction to Indigenous Literatures00000
ENGL 244Environment and Literature00000
ENGL 246Literature and Film00000
ENGL 491LSenior Honours Seminar - SR HONORS SEMNR100000
ENGL 308Rhetorical Criticism00000
ENGL 310History and Theory of Rhetoric: Classical Rhetoric00000
ENGL 318History of the English Language: Early History00000
ENGL 321English Grammar and Usage00000
ENGL 323Varieties of English00000
ENGL 327Cognitive Approaches to the Study of Meaning00000
ENGL 330The Structure of Modern English: Sounds and Words00000
ENGL 332Approaches to Media History00000
ENGL 225Poetry00000
ENGL 547BDirected Reading - DIRECTED READING00000
ENGL 549AMaster's Thesis - MASTERS THESIS00000
ENGL 553BStudies in Literary Theory - ST'S LIT THEORY00000
ENGL 561BTopics in Science and Technology Studies - TOPICS IN STS00000
ENGL 547ADirected Reading - DIRECTED READING00000
ENGL 200Principles of Literary Studies00000
ENGL 211Seminar for English Honours00000
ENGL 221Literature in Britain: the 18th Century to the Present00000
ENGL 223Literature in the United States00000
ENGL 539AStudies in the Twentieth Century - STUDIES 20TH C00000
ENGL 229Topics in the Study of Language and/or Rhetoric00000
ENGL 232Approaches to Media Studies00000
ENGL 241Shakespeare Now00000
ENGL 243Speculative Fiction00000
ENGL 245Comics and Graphic Media00000
ENGL 248Mystery and Detective Fiction00000
ENGL 309Rhetoric of Science, Technology, and Medicine00000
ENGL 312Discourse and Society00000
ENGL 499BHonours Essay - HONOURS ESSAY00000
ENGL 492LSenior Honours Seminar - SR HONORS SEMNR200000
ENGL 492MSenior Honours Seminar - SR HONORS SEMNR200000
ENGL 492NSenior Honours Seminar - SR HONORS SEMNR200000
ENGL 492PSenior Honours Seminar - SR HONORS SEMNR200000
ENGL 496ADirected Readings in English Literature - DIRECTED READING00000
ENGL 496BDirected Readings in English Literature - DIRECTED READING00000
ENGL 496HDirected Readings in English Literature - DIRECTED READING00000
ENGL 499AHonours Essay - HONOURS ESSAY00000
ENGL 319History of the English Language: Later History00000
ENGL 499CHonours Essay - HONOURS ESSAY00000
ENGL 500BResearch in English Studies - RES ENGL STUDIES00000
ENGL 507AStudies in English Historical Linguistics - ENG HIST LING00000
ENGL 512AMiddle English Studies - MID ENGL STUDIES00000
ENGL 525BStudies in the Eighteenth Century - STUDIES 18TH C00000
ENGL 541BStudies in American Literature Since 1890 - AMER LIT 1890 ON00000
ENGL 545BStudies in Canadian Literature - STUDIES CAN LIT00000
ENGL 546AStudies in Commonwealth/Post-colonial Literatures - CMMNWLTH/POSTCOL00000