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UBC Course Reviews

University of British Columbia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
KIN 420Prevention of Sports Injuries55553
KIN 300Human Athletic Performance4.
KIN 110Human Anatomy3.
KIN 132Systems Physiology II4.52.554.52
KIN 335Advanced Applications of Exercise Physiology53552
KIN 411Neuroanatomy of Human Movement53552
KIN 442Planning Physical Education, Sport and Exercise Programs55551
KIN 150Sport and Exercise Psychology44441
KIN 459Psychobiology of Physical Activity14111
KIN 345Foundations of Coaching45321
KIN 311Sensorimotor Control of Human Movement42331
KIN 424Medical Aspects of Sport and Exercise55551
KIN 216Biomechanics I34341
KIN 364The Modern Olympics: Power, Politics, and Performance55321
KIN 500CSpecial Topics in Kinesiology - SPEC TPCS KIN24321
KIN 344Leisure Services for Persons with a Disability55451
KIN 232Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Health55551
KIN 500KSpecial Topics in Kinesiology - SPEC TPCS KIN00000
KIN 580Seminar in Body, Exercise, and Society00000
KIN 500PSpecial Topics in Kinesiology - SPEC TPCS KIN00000
KIN 500BSpecial Topics in Kinesiology - SPEC TPCS KIN00000
KIN 500LSpecial Topics in Kinesiology - SPEC TPCS KIN00000
KIN 303High Performance Conditioning in Physical Activity and Sport00000
KIN 499Projects in Kinesiology00000
KIN 489BSeminar - SEMINAR00000
KIN 489FSeminar - SEMINAR00000
KIN 489XSeminar - SEMINAR00000
KIN 489SSeminar - SEMINAR00000
KIN 381Leisure, Sport and Popular Culture00000
KIN 568Seminar in Human Sensorimotor Control00000
KIN 321Chronic Health Issues and Physical Activity00000
KIN 343Human Athletic Performance00000
KIN 357Laboratory Investigations in Neuromechanical Kinesiology00000
KIN 362Inclusive Physical Activity for Individuals with Special Nee...00000
KIN 366Movement Experiences for Young Children00000
KIN 369Instructional Analysis and Design in Sport and Physical Acti...00000
KIN 373Research Methods in Kinesiology00000
KIN 484BAdvanced Seminar in Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity and...00000
KIN 389Neuromuscular Integration of Human Movement00000
KIN 401Co-operative Work Placement00000
KIN 415Conceptual Approaches to Games Education00000
KIN 425Aging, Health, and the Body00000
KIN 465Interculturalism, Health and Physical Activity00000
KIN 473Neuroanatomy of Human Movement00000
KIN 481Sport Marketing and Communication00000
KIN 400Planning Physical Education, Sport and Exercise Programs00000
KIN 500XSpecial Topics in Kinesiology - SPEC TPCS KIN00000
KIN 500SN/A00000
KIN 500HSpecial Topics in Kinesiology - SPEC TPCS KIN00000
KIN 500MSpecial Topics in Kinesiology - SPEC TPCS KIN00000
KIN 489HSeminar - SEMINAR00000
KIN 489ZSeminar - SPECIAL TOPICS00000
KIN 489ASeminar - SEMINAR00000
KIN 489DSeminar - SEMINAR00000
KIN 489CSeminar - SEMINAR00000
KIN 482AAdvanced Seminar in Neuromechanics - ADV SEM NEUROMCH00000
KIN 475Pulmonary Physiology of Exercise00000
KIN 471Prevention of Sports Injuries II00000
KIN 461Prevention of Sports Injuries I00000
KIN 419Laboratory Investigations in Neuromechanical Kinesiology00000
KIN 402Co-operative Work Placement00000
KIN 101Co-operative Work Placement00000
KIN 383The Modern Olympics: Power, Politics, and Performance00000
KIN 375Exercise Physiology II00000
KIN 371Introduction to Statistics in Kinesiology00000
KIN 367Leisure Services for Persons with a Disability00000
KIN 365Foundations of Coaching00000
KIN 361Introduction to Athletic Training00000
KIN 351Biomechanics II Mechanical Properties of Tissues00000
KIN 330Human Motor Behaviour II00000
KIN 301Co-operative Work Placement00000
KIN 275Exercise Physiology I00000
KIN 261Health Policy and Society00000
KIN 230Human Motor Behaviour I00000
KIN 215APerformance Analysis of Selected Team Sports and Activities...00000
KIN 115APerformance Analysis of Selected Individual Sports and Activ...00000
KIN 596High Performance Sport Inquiry00000
KIN 490Directed Studies in Kinesiology00000
KIN 483AAdvanced Seminar in Systems Biology, Exercise and Health - ADV SEM SYS BIO00000
KIN 464Health Promotion and Physical Activity00000
KIN 368Indigenous Sport and Physical Culture in Settler Canada00000
KIN 360Sport, Peace, and Conflict00000
KIN 342Creating Effective, Developmentally Appropriate, Physical Activity Learning Environments00000
KIN 316Biomechanical Properties of Tissues00000
KIN 262Health Policy and Society00000
KIN 211Human Motor Behaviour I00000
KIN 160Leisure and Sport in Society00000
KIN 131Systems Physiology I00000
KIN 516Psychology of Leadership and Group Processes00000
KIN 500ASpecial Topics in Kinesiology - SPEC TPCS KIN00000
KIN 488Advanced Seminar in Interdisciplinary Research in Kinesiology00000
KIN 206Introduction to Statistics in Kinesiology00000
KIN 500DSpecial Topics in Kinesiology - SPEC TPCS KIN00000
KIN 572Research Methods for Sport and Health Sciences00000
KIN 570Research Methods in Kinesiology00000
KIN 564Psycho-Social Aspects of Physical Activity00000
KIN 530BDirected Studies - DIRECTED STUDIES00000
KIN 500VSpecial Topics in Kinesiology - SPEC TPCS KIN00000
KIN 486AAdvanced Seminar in Psychology of Movement - ADV SEM PSYC MVM00000
KIN 472Co-operative Work Placement00000
KIN 467Sport Marketing and Communication00000
KIN 438Skeletal Muscle Physiology: From Generation to Regeneration00000
KIN 432Sport Nutrition00000
KIN 355Movement Experiences for Young Children00000
KIN 313Neuromuscular Integration of Human Movement00000
KIN 270Co-operative Work Placement00000
KIN 205Research Methods in Kinesiology00000
KIN 484AAdvanced Seminar in Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity and Health - ADV SEM INDG SPR00000
KIN 265Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Health00000
KIN 231Sport and Exercise Psychology00000
KIN 215BPerformance Analysis of Selected Team Sports and Activities...00000
KIN 201Co-operative Work Placement00000
KIN 115BPerformance Analysis of Selected Individual Sports and Activ...00000
KIN 699Doctoral Dissertation00000
KIN 599Master's Thesis00000
KIN 595Master's Graduating Paper00000
KIN 586Coaching Effectiveness00000
KIN 571Qualitative Methods in Sport, Leisure, and Health Studies00000
KIN 567Human Motor Performance00000
KIN 562Bioenergetics of Physical Activity00000
KIN 530ADirected Studies - DIRECTED STUDIES00000
KIN 500FSpecial Topics in Kinesiology - SPEC TPCS KIN00000
KIN 492Undergraduate Research Experience in Kinesiology00000
KIN 284Lifespan Motor Development00000
KIN 470Co-operative Work Placement00000
KIN 460Aging, Health, and Society00000
KIN 444Exploring Alternative Methods for Teaching Games and Sports00000
KIN 435Pulmonary Physiology of Exercise00000
KIN 370Co-operative Work Placement00000
KIN 363Leisure, Sport and Popular Culture00000
KIN 341Instructional Strategies for Including Persons with Disabilities in Physical Activity00000
KIN 320Exercise Testing and Prescription00000
KIN 235Exercise Physiology I00000
KIN 170Co-operative Work Placement00000
KIN 140Lifespan Motor Development00000
KIN 120Health and Exercise Management00000
KIN 598Directed Field Studies in Kinesiology00000
KIN 585Performance Planning00000