Professor Felix Grund Reviews
Class Ratings
Professor Rating
Prof: Felix Grund / Winter 2020
May 27, 2022
Heaviest courseload I had in my first year, but this is because I was not to familiar with the Java Swing for creating my UI, and I spent 90% of my time learning how to use it. Self-taught, you are expected to teach yourself java and all required coding for the course, can be difficult but doable. Immensely useful course for computer science, and most of the topics are simple enough to grasp on first try. Absolutely recommend anyone mildly interested in computer science in the course take it.
Class Ratings
Professor Rating
Prof: Felix Grund / Winter 2021
May 18, 2022
Overall the content of the course is not hard compared with other cs courses,but the exam questions were pretty tricky
Content is very useful, especially for the design pattern
If you don’t like flip class,I wouldn’t recommend Felix. For the lecture lab he never explained his thinking process instead he asked students who finished the lab to show their answers, I didn’t find that helpful
Learn some syntax beforehand
Class Ratings
Prof: Felix Grund / Summer 2021
Sep 9, 2021
The summer course with Felix has weekly quizzes instead of a midterm.
Learned about object-oriented design in Java. CPSC 110 taught us a functional language (Racket BSL); CPSC 210 teaches you an object-oriented language which is more prevalent in industry. It also makes it much easier to learn other object-oriented languages in the future.
Felix is a great professor and cares about student learning.
My advice is to try to learn some Java basics beforehand (basics of classes and methods and syntax)
Class Ratings
Prof: Felix Grund / Fall 2021
Jul 16, 2021
very slow; I stopped attending lecture after the first few weeks (though my prof was great). My favorite part was design patterns (last unit), and I found that having object-oriented design drilled into your head was extremely useful, for personal projects and reading large codebases (like open-source libraries). The best part of this course is the project! You get to build anything you want (with some constraints) so if you choose something interesting, it is fun and you learn a lot
Class Ratings
Prof: Felix Grund / Winter 2020
Dec 26, 2020
210 is a great course, it sets the foundation for programming skills that you're expected have, and the course itself is well taught. I cant speak for the lectures since I didn't watch any, but the labs and the edx modules made the concepts easy to understand. Around 40% of the mark is the labs and your project, which are fairly easy to get full or almost full marks in, the main issue is the exams which can be tricky, although they are not unreasonable. All in all pretty good course.
Get your project work done early, if you put it off till the end and deadlines pile up it can be pretty bad.